I was browsing through my photo archives and found this one. One of my favourites!!! Adib was 2 months here.
AND to think that I took it some3 yrs back! How time flies!
blog suka suka. bercerita bila boring. bercerita apa yang perlu dikongsi. kisah hidup yang biasa biasa.
When we look at ourselves and others, do we have a tendency to see more of our own strengths and more of other people’s weaknesses?
There are people who tend to only utter criticism, but never encouraging words. And it is usually because such people find no room in their heart to accept, see and hear about other people’s strengths.
If there are people who are better than me, how should I react? We should ‘accept’ that fact, AND be thankful for it.
When we have a big heart that is big enough to accept other people’s strengths and victories, we will be a happier person.
Let us strive to have a heart and mind that can accept other people’s strengths, enjoy other people’s victories and verbally acknowledge other people’s talents and gifts.
Doctors are certain that colorectal cancer is not contagious (a person cannot catch the disease from a cancer patient). Some people are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than others. Factors that increase a person's risk of colorectal cancer include high fat intake, a family history of colorectal cancer and polyps, the presence of polyps in the large intestine, and chronic ulcerative colitis.