blog suka suka. bercerita bila boring. bercerita apa yang perlu dikongsi. kisah hidup yang biasa biasa.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
we called memory
our six anniversary
sharing life,sharing our favvy together is really enough for with me to watch AFC channel, picking up my cloth, watch football together, MUFC, bbm-ing, having breakfast before to work, talking about the paper we read, watching dvds,and so many things.
and just wanna say..
I do love you so much...thank you for being with me when everyone was leaving...:-)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
my adib for standard 1
How times flew. i almost shed a tear while submitting the form and felt like...My Adib so growing up and sooner or later i will face it.
Healthy fast food drinks
Liquid calories can add up quickly. Keep yours under control with our top picks at fast food restaurants or local coffee shops in your neighborhood. By Karen Ansel, MS, RD
When it comes to hidden fat and calories, your drink may be delivering more than you bargained for. In fact, sipping just one extra can of soda a day can add up to nearly 15 new and unwanted pounds in a year. But that liquid refreshment doesn’t need to add to your bottom line. We reveal the healthiest – and most waistline-friendly – drinks to grab on the go.
Starbucks – Espresso
Counterintuitive as it may seem, an espresso from Starbucks actually has less caffeine than a cup of Joe. With only 75 milligrams of caffeine per cup, this brew gives you a kick compared to the 260-milligram jolt you’d get from a tall coffee. How so? It all boils down to caffeine per ounce. Ounce per ounce, espresso does have more caffeine than coffee, roughly 75 milligrams versus 22 milligrams. But because that cup of java is 12 times bigger, its caffeine really adds up.
Jamba Juice – Probiotic Fruit & Yogurt Blends
Einstein Bros Bagels – Medium Iced Latte
Craving something cool and caffeinated? A medium iced latte from Einstein Bros Bagels hits the spot. Ask for yours with nonfat milk and you’ll shave off some serious fat and calories - and get 16 ounces of refreshment for a surprisingly low 60 calories and zero grams of fat. You’ll also score a quarter of your day’s calcium and 7 grams of high-quality protein.
McDonald’s - Small Nonfat Latte
Among its dizzying array of coffee drinks, frappes, shakes, and smoothies, McDonald’s serves up a winner. Its small, 12-ounce, nonfat latte packs as much calcium and protein as you’d get from a glass of milk, all for only 90 calories and zero grams of fat. Pair it with a Fruit and Maple Oatmeal for a hearty breakfast or an order of Apple Dippers with Low-fat Carmel Dip for a satisfying snack.
Seattle’s Best - Small Nonfat Chai Latte
One of the best nutrition bargains at Seattle’s Best is a tea drink. For only 140 calories and zero fat grams you can walk away with a chai latte that’s way skinnier than the competition. And if you don’t do dairy, you can still drink up. This spicy elixir is also available in a 150-calorie soy version. Did we mention that each variety packs 20% of your daily calcium, too?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Air mata untuk abah
Pagi tadi my mum sent me a message sound like this 'kak long,abah kat hospital,malam tadi dalam pukul 12 ma bawak abah pergi hospital sbb abah sakit dada and susah nak bernafas.'
I was like.....????? Abah sakit? At that time i felt like kebas satu badan and at that time i was in training room and i can go out from the session. With the excuses to go to ladies..i called my mum and asked what happened and how's abah at that time. My mum said abah so weak and only just can lay on bed with the pale face.
Abah as we know as i know, he's a very hardworking plus he always doing his 'kerja rumah' - bersih area rumah,sapu sampah...macam macam la...
And now abah tak sihat...ayat yang memang saya susah nak dengar...rasanya for 31 years with abah berapa kali je abah demam...itu pun abah still buat kerja and go to work. I keep callling my mum and even cannot speak with my abah..really want to hear his voice. After lunch i tried to call my mum again and asked how was abah doing? My mum just cried and i was so....what happened? Abah okay ke? Jangan la nangis..i told mum...then i asked my mum to aler to her phone because i will keep texting her or calling her.
During lunch hour...i got so many messages from my families and friends who asking about my abah and asked me to be 'bersabar'....a big thank you to all of you.
Guess i can go to my hometown today..but there are a few things have to be settled and my mum said abah also we decided to go back to abah at Friday.
So malam tadi i called my mum and wanna try to talk with usual i will never forget to talk and tanya khabar felt like ...something...m mum said..abah then i hang up the phone and cried. Abah sleep!!! Abah who always sleep late nite..watching tv and berita...or baca surat khabar...a fee hour later...i called again and wish and hope i can speak with abah...abah on the phone...the conversation with all my tears...even i know i cant speak clearly
Me : abahhh....
Abah : kaklong jangan nangis...abah sihat...
Me : abah dah makan?
Abah : abah tak lalu, abah minum susu je
Me : abah suruh la ma masak apa abah nak makan...
Abah : abah x lalu la long
Me : *crying*
Abah : *no word*
Me : abah rehat la...
Abah : kaklong sihat?
Me : *abah sempat lagi tanya pasal saya*
Me : sihat abah...
Abah : okay la...abah nak rehat...
I can't stop crying....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
piece of life
My eyes pointing at one malay boy, I think he is around 8 or 9..based on his body. I saw him open from one to one dustbin...and looking for what we call ' as long as it give food' - canes!! My heart so touched. He opened and looking and took out the 'sampah' and took the canes and put in his plastic bag...a big black plastic bag. And when I was sitting looking to him, one guy beside me was drinking his Coke and that kid seems liked waiting this guy to finish his drink. Than after, around 5 minutes, that guy *i guess wanna throw his cane* moved to dustbin, and the kid came to the guy said like this -- abang,bagi saya...
When I heard that, I just like to cry...oh my god...!! How this kid,this small little kid hardly to have some money. Then..after he got his canes...I saw him cycled his bicycle *as I saw,we definitely will buy new one to our kid*.
To you, life is hard to be easy. But as I saw you, you make me wake up. And I pray for you, that you will get better life.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Well...there are so many things happen and i just really do not know which one to update first. But definately i will not update tonite la...
So...will be continued la ye...
So sleppy after had my ubat batuk n 2 panadols..and it is time to sleep.
Good nite.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, March 4, 2011
drama series
Actually, one of my new fren ni..dia suka la cerita pasal dia gila sgt cerita korea..yg mana saya pun x kesah pun dia nak minat apa. Pastu nak di jadikan cerita..saya letak la gambar kat bbm profile as a display picture saya at my vey OWN bbm. Saya letak gambar artis pujaan saya la konon..yup..he is a korean actor.
So, saya pun x tau la apa masalah dia..dia siap tulis kat fb dia..lebih kurang saya ni meniru dia. Kononnya saya ni baru nak minat.
Okay...saya dont mind la. Sbb ko pun budak lagi..intuk pengetahuan saudari saya ni memang minat korean drama, filipino, even sinetron pin saya saya mmg minat korean drama since saya 20..masa tu first time tgk cite Winter Sonata. Itu la first drama yg saya layan. Then Autumn In My Heart. Dari situ la saya memang minay Korean drama..Fullhouse, secret garden, boys over flower, boys before flower,love in harvard,, my love patzi, little bride, what star you came from?...banyak la...tapi saya ni x perlu la nak cite kat semua org apa yg saya minat. Sbb saya x pernah cakap kat org yg saya minat drama korea nih..yg tau pun yg close je. Then saya x de la sampai minat korean drama smpi nak makan makanan korea hari2. Haih...saya ni x de masa la nak meniru2 sesapa...pelik la kan..macam la kat dunia ni barang tu di buat satu je...
* sambung nnt la..ngantuk...
american idol
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Allah Penyayang
tak de sapa pun boleh saya kita...boleh sayang saya seperti kasih sayang Allah kepada saya..
Mungkin kasih sayang saya kepada anak dan suami saya boleh di tukar ganti dengan nyawa saya...
tapi Allah lebih menyayangi kita semua...
sebesar mana kesilapan kita, kesalahan kita, apa saja jahat kat dunia ni..Allah pengampun Allah Penyayang..siapa kita ..siapa saya di mata manusia bila kesilapan dan kesalahan saya buat?
Mana kawan-kawan yang pernah bersama kita setelah kita bersusah payah untuk mereka. no!!
Yup...saya mungkin / memang manusia yang sering buat salah yang sama. Ulang salah yang sama...!!
Saya sedar...sejahat mana saya..Allah menyayangi saya...mungkin apa yang saya nak tak seperti yang saya dapat...tapi saya masih bersyukur dengan kekuatan yang saya ada...hidup saya teruskan. Mencorakkan sisa hidup saya...yang saya sendiri tak tau lama mana lagi saya berada kat dunia, muka bumi Allah ni...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
sentul west yang mendamaikan

Last weekend (ahad) me, jue and novee plus kids kecuali la saya yang mana anak saya adib ni tak nak dah ikut mummy dia..rasa frust sangat...!!! We planned to be at sentulwest pukul 5 tp biasa la kid mesti la nak tido la apa we met up at 5.30pm...and start la memberi makan bebek aka itik..ikan pun banyak..kura kura pun sangat...
Malas la nak menaip sebenarnya...huhu..
Gambar gambar akan diupload lagi ye..
Cameraman kitaorg memang best gila..