Last Wednesday i decided to take a leave for one day and to bring Adib jalan2. We (me and Adib ) headed to KLCC by train ( Adib called Thomas).
Around 11 am we reached at KLCC and move to Petrosains, thought that tak ramai orang sbb weekdays..but really ramai ok and tak leh nak masuk Petrosains sbb tix for 11 am dah abis yang ader kol 3.30 pm. Frust jugak la..*sad*. So we decided to go to Kinokuniya to buy some books for me and Adib (dah lama tak reading) , after all, kiteorg just jln2 jer (pegi toysrus, mother care, isetan, parkson, topshop, bodyshop, MAC, GAp (jgn salah paham - masuk jer tak beli aper pun ..hehhehe) , makan kat food court and jalan2 kat park.
Btw we were very happy and Adib said mummy u dont have to go to work. Well mummy have to ...
sama ngan myja..panggil train tu thomas..oh on leave on wed?phal tak ajak..ehhehe
ju cuti ker at that day?
a' pun thinking nk amik another week cuti..skt pala ler wak..keje tak pnh abis
danial smpai la ni pgil train & d gang thomas, bob & d gang as BOB.. padahal bob tuh oghe die... heheheh
supo la tety...adib gitu jugok seme geng bob tu dia panggil bob...:)
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