A thick, yellow moon slowly transforms into the title "New Moon."
We hear Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart)'s voice, quoting Friar Lawrence from "Romeo and Juliet": "These violent delights have violent ends.." and, although we don't know it yet, she is having a nightmare. She fights through a crowd of group of red cloaked strangers in the noon-day sun. She looks up to see a clock tower and the big hand that moves to 12:00. Suddenly she emerges from the woods into a glade of flowers, looking across to her grandmother (Christina Jastrzembska). Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) comes up behind Bella. She tries to warn him away, "Don't. She'll see you." He keeps approaching, however. She seems to welcome his decision to reveal himself and, as she takes his hand says, "Okay." They approach Bella's Grandma and Bella says, "Gran, I'd like you to meet Edward," but the words come out of the older woman, as well as Bella. She realizes it is her, older, wrinkled, and her Grandma is really her reflection, standing next to an eternally youthful Edward. He leans over and kisses her wrinkled forehead.
Charlie (Billy Burke), Bella's father, wakes her up from the nightmare. She's fallen asleep reading "Romeo and Juliet."
He wishes Bella a happy birthday. He gives her two gifts, a digital camera from him, and a scrapbook from her mother. She protests weakly as she'd thought they'd agreed that she wasn't going to get any presents. He jokes that she is obsessed with aging and points out a grey hair on her head. Bella scurries to the mirror, relieved that he was kidding.
As Bella drives to school in her old brick red, beat-up Chevrolet truck (license plate 24G-7HI) the radio relays that three hikers are missing, presumed dead. When she arrives at the parking lot she talks to her friends, Jessica, Mike, Angela, and Eric, all of who seem to know nothing of her birthday. She takes a picture of them as Edward drives up in the parking lot in a brand-new, black Volvo 2010 X60 (license plate 57F-6D3). The rest of the group depart when he arrives. Edward wishes her a happy birthday. Bella tells him shes not very happy about it. She's eighteen now, which is a year older than him. Edward discounts her worry. After all, hes 109. They kiss passionately but he breaks away, saying that they need to go to class. He also stops her because Jacob wants to see her, even though he hasn't arrived yet.
When he does Edward backs away. Bella marvels at the changes that have come over Jacob (Taylor Lautner), teasing him about taking anabolic steroids. He too gives Bella a gift. It's a dreamcatcher, a woven band meant to keep bad dreams away. "That's kinda perfect," says Bella, reflecting on her nightmare. Jacob departs.
Edward asks Bella why Jacob Black can give her gifts but he cannot. She tells him the reason is that she cannot give him back anything.
In the hallway of the school the rest of the school-age Cullen clan arrive. Though Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene) is glad to see her, Jasper Cullen (Jackson Rathbone) remains aloof, staring at her from the other side of the hallway. Alice gives her a present which, using her vampire ability of augury, tells Bella she will love. She also invites Bella to a birthday party they're going to have for her that night, which starts at 7:00. Bella agrees but then realizes that Jasper has altered her mood to make her happily agree and gently chides him for it.
In class Edward and Bella are talking during the movie that is being shown. Edward says how doesn't like Romeo because he is so quick to act after he sees Juliet dead, but he is jealous of him for one reason. Bella believes this to be of Juliet, but he says it is of the ease of suicide humans have, since it is almost impossible for vampires. He later tells Bell that he began to think along these lines when he thought Bella might not have survived the attack by James a few months before. He says he would have gone and provoked the Volturi. Bella is horrified by this thought and says he should never say it again. Edwards is then questioned by their teacher, Mr. Berty, who believes he's not been paying attention to the BBC version of "Romeo and Juliet" they've been watching. Edward responds by quoting Romeo's final soliloquy from the play.
"O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss"
This silences their teacher.
Bella goes to the Cullens' house for a birthday party. Before the proceedings Edward and Bella stand before a painting of the Volturi, which includes Edwards vampiric father Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli). The painting comes to life, showing an earlier time, as Edward explains that Carlisle lived with them for a few decades and that the Volturi are the closest things the vampire race has to royalty. They have no respect for human life but they do respect the arts, the sciences and, above all, the law. The Volturi have simple rules, to not make spectacles of themselves, to not kill conspicuously. The penalty for disobedience is death. During this exposition the Volturi tableau shows Aro (Michael Sheen), the supposed leader, Marcus (Christopher Heyerdahl) who has long-flowing black hair, and Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower), who has long-flowing white hair, taking a transgressor, laying their hands upon him, and tearing him apart as Carlisle turns away, disturbed.
Edward has broken the law by telling Bella, a human, too much. He also predicts that Victoria will come for him some day. Bella tells Edward that they would never have to think about this if he would turn her into a vampire. He says firmly that won't ever happen.
All are gathered in the main hall. Rosalie Cullen (Nikki Reed) gives her a necklace, which she claims was all Alice's idea. Then Emmett (Kellan Lutz) gives her an empty box, but tells her that he has already installed a new sound system in her beat-up truck ("Don't hate the truck," jokes Bella) . As she opens another gift from Carlisle and Esme, Bella gets a paper cut and a drop of her blood lands on the carpet. Jasper immediately lunges for her, unable to resist the temptation of her blood. Edward protectively throws Bella back against a glass table and repels Jasper, throwing him backward into a piano. Jasper comes on, mad for her blood, but he's stopped by Edward, Carlisle and Emmett. Bella's right arm is seriously cut by the shards. Even Alice seems tempted by the sight and smell of her blood and apologetically has to excuse herself. Carlisle also has to order Edward out, who stands transfixed by the bleeding sight of Bella, several feet away, with the excuse that only he can talk to Jasper, who must now be ashamed of his actions.
Carlisle takes her to get stitches in his office. Bella asks him how he can resist her. "Practice," he tells her. She asks him why he does it, and he says he wants to help people, even if he is "damned regardless." She does not understand what he means. "Like hell?" she presses, insisting this is impossible. Carlisle tells her of the belief that vampires do not have souls. Bella realizes that is why Edward will not change her. "Imagine the reverse," Carlisle says, "if you could take away his soul." He burns her blood in a bowl.
Afterward, Edward drives home with her in her truck. He talks about the welfare of Bella's soul. Bella argues that he can't always protect her. She will get ill, have an accident, and get old. If he turns her, none of this will happen. "That's not a solution," Edward counters, "It's a tragedy." Bella says she doesn't care about her soul. But its still Bella's birthday and she requests one last thing, that Edward kiss her. They do and Edward again has to restrain himself. They exchange vows of love.
That evening Bella prints out a photo of her and Edward. She folds the photo in half, leaving Edward's side facing up.
The next day the Cullens are not at school. Edward comes over to Bella's house after school before she arrives. He sees the bent photo. Bella arrives and Edward intercepts her before she gets to the house. He tells her they have to talk. After a walk some ways away on a trail in the forest, he stops and tells her that they are leaving Forks. "Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older than he looks and people are starting to notice." Bella says that she'll have to prepare some excuse for Charlie but when she notices that Edward isn't picking up on the suggestion realizes he isn't talking about taking her with them. "You don't belong in my world," says Edward. "I belong with you," she retorts. "I don't want you to come," he continues. "If this is about my soul, take it," she protests, "I don't want it without you." He gets more pointed. He can't stay with her anymore, stating, "You're not good for me." He asks her to promise that she will not do anything reckless, for Charlie's sake, and in return he promises her she will never see him again. He kisses her on her forehead and disappears. Bella runs after him and as it gets dark. Lost deep in the woods she trips and drops to the forest floor, depleted and deserted. She falls asleep sobbing. An enormous wolf watches her from a nearby rise.
Back at the Swans house (number 184) that same night, a search party is starting to form, looking for Bella. When its mentioned that the Cullens have left town Charlies friend Harry (link=nm0001295) says, Good riddance. From the woods at the edge of the house a shirtless Sam Uley (Chaske Spencer) carries Bella in his arms. He hands her over to Charlie. Harry nods to Sam in some sort of recognition.
Safe now but still depressed and unable to see or contact Edward, Bella becomes despondent for many months. She writes e-mails to Alice (at acullen@) though they all appear to be undeliverable. She screams at night, waking Charlie. Her wailing is so uncontrollable that Charlie confronts her. She is to go to Jackson because she needs a new setting. He suggests that she leave Forks. Finally, to appease her father and to stay in Washington she tells him shes arranged to go shopping with Jessica (link=nm0447695). Charlie finds this unlikely but is pleased that shes doing something social.
Jessica and Bella leave a zombie film called "The Dead Come Back" (showing at 7:00 and 9:45) Bella spies a bunch of bikers in front of a bar called One-Eyed Pete's. She recognizes them as the same gang that Edward beat up when they menaced Bella during their pre-courtship. Seeing them she also recalls Edwards admonition not to do anything reckless and she even sees a ghostly visage of him. "Keep walking," he says, "this is dangerous." He then disappears. Excited, and wanting to have another visitation, she assumes that Edward will appear before her only if she's doing something that will endanger her. She comes up to one of the seedier bikers and asks for a ride. He lets her get on and speeds down the street. Again she sees the spectral Edward, warning her not to do what shes doing. She arrives back in one piece, much to the horror and disgust of Jessica, who states that shes either insane or suicidal and asks her if shes now become an adrenaline junkie.
Bella continues to write her e-mails. She describes her situation as having "a hole in my chest."
Bella renews her friendship with Jacob. She brings him two dilapidated motorcycles, asking him to help her refurbish them. Though she warns him that theyre heavy Jacob easily lifts them from the bed of her truck. Youre like, buff, she says, incredulous, youre like 16. What are you? Like 40 he jokes. As they strip and reassemble the bikes the easy friendship between Bella and Jacob grows more substantial. She smiles. He introduces her to my two boys Quill and Embry. They state that Jacob has been calling Bella his girlfriend. Jacob corrects them. He was calling her a girl who was a friend. Jacob and Quill wrestle.
Bella is still plagued by bad dreams, however.
As Bella drives Jacob they see some of the Quileute tribe, Sam, Quill, Paul, Embry and Jared, cliff diving. Jacob is clearly upset by them. He refers to them as Sam and his cult, and Sam and his disciples. Jake says that Embry had formerly said they were like hall monitors on steroids but now was one of them. Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me.
Once the bikes are operational Bella and Jake takes them out. Bella drives recklessly, trying to conjure up Edwards spirit again. As she speeds along his spectral form passes by her on the road like mile markers. But she loses control of the bike. She wrecks the bike and Jacob drives his bike down the road to her accident. Bella wants to go again but she is bleeding from the head. She apologizes but then realizes that she doesnt need to around Jake. He pulls off his shirt and dabs her head. Youre sorta beautiful, she says.
In the cafeteria at school Bella rejoins her old group of friend. Angela ( says she saw a large wolf and the group talks about how five hikers have now been killed. Mike asks her if she would like to go to a movie. He suggests, Love Spelled Backward Is Love. Wanting nothing to do with romance Bella suggests Face Punch. Everyone agrees to go to Face Punch.
At the theater Mike and Jacob wait outside. Jacob acts territorial as if he wants to frighten Mike away, telling him hears that Face Punch sucks. Bella arrives, explaining that Jessica has bailed and Angela was home with the stomach flu. They go into Face Punch. The films tagline is Lets Do This! One of the films advertised is Parking. Another is Gambling, Gods and LSD.
As they watch the movie they hear the films tagline (Lets do this!) spoken during what sounds like a Mexican standoff onscreen. Bella looks down at the armrests on either side of her. Both Jacob and Mike have their hands on the rests, turned upward, as if waiting for her to settle her hands on theirs. The violent conflict onscreen turns Mikes stomach, who leaves to presumably get sick.
Outside, in the lobby, Jacob tries to hold Bella's hand. She draws away. She's obviously conflicted. "I'm not like a car you can fix up. I'm never gonna run right," she says. "You're about to ruin everything and I need you," she tells him. Jacob says that he knows what's standing between them is Edward. He continues, "I know what he did to you. I would never, ever, do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise." She puts her head on his shoulder. Mike arrives, stating that he needs to go home. His weakness wrankles Jacob who threatens to put him in the hospital. Bella intervenes and discovers that Jacob is burning up. Jacob is taken aback by his own aggression, says he doesn't know what's happening to him, and leaves in a rush.
Bella is alternately haunted by dreams and visions of Edward and her longing for the physical presence of Jacob. She leaves numerous phone messages for him, asking why he won't return any of her calls. She is told he has mononucleosis.
Finally she finally decides to track down Jacob and confront him herself. When she arrives at Jacob's house it's raining. Jacob has indeed changed; he's cut his hair quite short and has a tattoo. He seems ashamed of something and now, instead of trying to keep her around, warns Bella away. "I'm not good," he says. "I used to be." She asks if Sam and his cult have gotten to him. "Sam's trying to help me," counters Jacob. If she wants someone to blame for their predicament, he tells her, she can blame those filthy blood-suckers you love; the Cullens. She doesn't know how Jacob knows that the Cullens are vampires but it unnerves her and she leaves.
Attempting to "find the place where I can see him again" Bella walks into a glade similar to the one from her early dream and discovers the vampire Laurent there. He too is looking for the Cullens and is equally surprised by her presence. He informs her he is doing the bidding of Victoria and wants to know where Edward is. Edwards ghostly presence appears, "Lie," he tells Bella. She begins to stutter out an excuse. "Lie better," says Edward. Laurent asks why she has been left unprotected by the Cullens since he believed her to be some sort of pet. He also points out that she couldn't be very important to them if they've left her so vulnerable. Bella starts to plead and bargain but Laurent has decided she's too mouth-watering to not feast on. He claims that he's being merciful as Victoria had planned to kill her slowly, painfully and he will kill her quickly. Before he can, however, an enormous black wolf emerges. Several other wolves join him and they chase after Laurent. The last wolf to give chase fixes upon Bella and she is reflected in his canine eye. Up ahead Laurent thrusts the lead black wolf back and a vicious battle begins.
Back at the house Bella bursts in to inform Charlie and Harry that she has seen the creatures that have been killing people in the woods and that theyre wolves.
Later, Charlie and Harry get ready to go fishing. Charlie is worried about leaving her alone and she, conversely, is worried about them going out into the woods with those hulking creatures. Bears wont get the drop on me Bella, Harry says, My kung-fu is strong. Bella also realizes that, with the wolves likely killed by Laurant, that she is vulnerable to attack from Victoria and she urges Charlie to go.
That night, in her room, she hears someone throwing pebbles at her window. She looks down to see Jacob. He effortlessly climbs up to her second story room. He wants to explain to her whats going on with him but he cant, he tells her. He begs her to remember the story he told her on the beach in LaPush. She recalls the story of the "cold ones," the vampires but obviously can't recollect the entire tale. She brushes his hair but he sees the scar from the bite from the vampire James. Bella suggests that they leave Forks. She would go, she say, if he would come with her. He hugs her but realizes that he is endangering her and leaps from her window.
The next day Bella arrives at Jacobs house. When Billy Black (link=nm0083655) opens the door he tells her that Jacob is not home. Not believing him she burst into Jacobs room to find him sleeping soundly, as though exhausted. Bella sees Sam, Paul, Embry, and Quill leaving the woods. She charges up to them, telling them to leave Jacob alone. They laugh mockingly at her, causing Bella to slap Paul. He immediately transforms into an enormous wolf, to the amusement of the other Quileutes. She runs from Paul just as she sees Jacob emerge from the house. She tells him to run but Jacob instead leaps from the porch and hurdles over Bella, himself changing to a wolf in mid-air. The two wolves engage in a fierce fight, destroying a small rowboat in the process. Sam tells Quill and Embry to take her to his fiancée, Emilys house.
Before they enter Emilys house Quill and Embry advise her not to stare at her. Why would I stare? asks Bella but she quickly understands. Emily Young (Tinsel Korey) is badly scarred on the right side of her face. Emily is kind and relaxed. So, youre the vampire girl? she asks Bella. Bella asks back, So, youre the wolf girl? Guess so, Emily agrees. Emily starts to serve muffins to Quill and Embry as they openly discuss the werewolf world, including having to follow the orders of their alpha male, Sam. They all seem very nonchalant about what Bellas just witnessed. The Quileutes explain their role as protectors, hunters of vampires as Sam, Paul and Jacob enter. The pack explains that they took out the leech with the dread easily enough as they had quickly dispatched Laurent. They also almost got Victoria and had chased her all the way to the Canadian border. Paul apologizes for transforming in front of Bella earlier with a tossed-off Sorry.
Bella and Jacob walk on the beach as Jacob explains what precipitated his change into being a werewolf. Bloodsucker moves into town, the fever sets in, he says. Bella says that she thinks what they do is monstrous and that he shouldnt do it. Its not a lifestyle choice, Jacob protests as he wonders aloud if hes just not the right kind of monster for her. He also disabuses her of the notion that theyre killing people. Theres only one thing they do kill and thats vampires.
Back at the Swans Bella warns him about Victorias incredible speed. Your lack of confidence is insulting, says Jacob. He leaves as he has a vampire to go kill.
At the same time a posse, which includes Harry and Charlie, search the woods for the menace while Bella decides she knows a way to reconnect with Edward after all.
Harry lags behind Charlie in the woods eradicating any sign of the wolves. Behind him, in the trees, Victoria stalks him. She finally surprises Harry and clutches his throat, lifting him up off the ground in the process. Jacob, as a wolf, tackles Victoria, breaking her grip. She drops Harry, who then suffers a heart attack. Jacob and Victoria briefly square off but then she breaks for the ocean with the Quileute pack in pursuit. At the cliffs she dives into the ocean and Jacob pulls up short.
Bella, meanwhile, arrives the spot where they had watched Sam and the others cliff dive. Edward has already divined her actions. He appears beside her, again in spectral form. Dont do this, he says. You wanted me to be humanwatch me.
She leaps into the ocean, goes under briefly, then breaks the surface. Shes exhilarated initially until the surf comes in and pounds her back down. Through the murky water she sees a red-headed woman swimming towards her. Bella backs away, striking her head on the cliff wall. She begins to sink. Edwards presence appears beside her but it dissipates when a hand reaches down and pulls her out. Its Jacob and he pulls Bella to shore, giving her CPR to resuscitate her. She comes back and he cradles her in his arms. Jacob informs her that Harry had a heart attack and has died.
Jake is driving Bella's truck while she shivers on the passenger side. "180 degrees over here," says Jacob, describing his ambient body temperature. She slides over and warms up beside him. They park. Jacob worries that what happened to Emily, Sam's fiancée, could happen to her. "Sam lost it for a split second. What if I got mad at you?" His lack of control is consuming him. "I feel like I'm going to disappear," he says. She responds that she will prevent that by telling him every day how special he is. They almost kiss and she nuzzles his neck. She doesn't want it to go further and starts to get out of the truck. Jacob pulls the door closed before she can. He smells a vampire nearby.
Bella sees the Cullens' car and heads towards the house. Jacob warns her she is about to cross a line that he can't cross because of the treaty.
Once inside the house Alice appears. Shes amazed to find Bella alive; she saw her leap to her death. "I didn't try to kill myself," says Bella, "I was cliff jumping. It was...fun." Alice tells her Edward has removed himself from them; he calls in only every few months. She also knows that Victoria has been around. She then crinkles her nose, "and what is that gawd-awful wet-dog smell?" As Alice is advising her that werewolves are not good company to keep Jacob appears. Alice gives them a moment alone.
Bella and Jacob quarrel again in the kitchen. They are angered and attracted by the other. Jacob kisses her lightly but is interrupted when the phone rings. Jacob answers it, "Swan residence," and then, "He's not here right now; he's arranging a funeral." On the other end is Edward. He's in Rio and he assumes the funeral is for Bella. He crumples the phone in his hand. Alice bursts in as Edward now believes that Bella is dead. He's going to the Volturi to end his life too. Bella is incensed when she realizes that it was Edward on the phone and that Jacob didn't let her talk to him. She leaves with Alice.
Alice and Bella fly on Virgin America airlines to Italy. Alice is driving a fancy yellow sports car, alluding to the fact that she hot-wired it at the airport, as they speed toward Volterra, the headquarters of the Volturi. Meanwhile Edward has appeared before Caius, Marcus and Aro. They reject Edwards petition to end his life as they find his particular gifts too valuable to destroy.
Alice gets a vision of the Volturi refusing him and foresees that Edward will now expose himself to humans in broad daylight during the feast of Saint Marcos. They can drive no closer to the center of town, where the Voturi appear to be headquartered. Alice says that if she tries to save him he will read her thoughts and rush into the process even faster. Only Bella, whose thoughts Edward can't read, can save him. Bella leaves the car to run on foot. She dashes through red cloaks and down dark alleys. Precisely at noon, exactly as in her dream, she gets to the town square. She sees Edward in a darkened entryway, disrobing, and about to step into the sunlight. She dashes across a fountain and hurls herself upon him. Only a little girl briefly has glimpsed the glittering man.
In the dark of the building Bella says that, since she has seen him again, she can let him go. Edward professes his love for her. He was going to end his life because he couldn't live in a world where she didn't exist. They kiss as the Volturi come to summon them. No laws have been broken, says Edward, now fearing for Bella. Nevertheless they are to appear. Alice breaks in, hoping to avert a confrontation. It appears they will get away until Jane (link=nm0266824) appears. Both Alice and Edward appear afraid of her. They comply and go with the Volturi, taking an elevator down to an underground complex. They pass a receptionist who welcomes them. Bella asks if she's human. She is, she is told, one who wishes to become a vampire.
Aro is genteel but menacing. He compliments his sister for being asked to fetch one and bringing back two and a half (referring to Bella as the half). Bella is obviously a problem. She knows too much about them. Aro takes Edward's hand. His gift is that he can read peoples' minds with a mere touch. He's intrigued as Edward can't read Bella's mind and that her blood appeals to him so much. Aro is impressed at Edward's self-control which Edward says is achieved not without some difficulty.
Aro wants to see if Bella is impervious to his gifts. "Would you do me the honor?" he asks as he requests her hand. He takes it but can see nothing. He's clearly frustrated by this. He then invites his sister, Jane, to try her gifts on the human. Edward tries to intervene and Jane racks him with pain. Jane then tries to inflict the same thing on Bella. "This may hurt, just a little," she says. She finds, to her consternation, that she can't affect Bella either. Though extraordinary she knows too much as Marcus says. She's a liability. Aro summons Felix, a hulking vampire of impressive size. Edward fights Felix but he's clearly no match. As Edward is put in the position of the heretic in the earlier tableau, about to be ripped apart by Aro and the rest of the Volturi, Bella screams out: "Kill me, not him."
"How extraordinary," says Aro, "You would give up your life for someone like us. A soulless monster."
"You dont know anything about his soul," says Bella. Aro is impressed and offended by her impertinence and moves in to slaughter her.
Alice interrupts him though when successfully prophesies to him that Bella will become a vampire; she's seen it in the future. Aro takes her hand and sees a vision of Bella and Edward running through a sylvan glen. Bella's eyes are the amber color of a vampire. "I'll change her myself," says Alice. "Your gifts will make an intriguing immortal," says Aro. As they leave they're cautioned to follow through on their promises as the Volturi do not give second chances.
Walking out they pass a group of tourists being escorted down into the Volturi chamber; they're obviously a meal for the vampires. One of the henchmen asks one of the guides to "save some for me." Bella looks behind her to see small children among the group. They hear the chamber door open and the screams begin.
The screams wake her from her sleep. Shes back in her bedroom in Forks. Edward sits beside her on the bed. Edward says the only reason he left was to protect her and that it was the hardest thing hed done in one hundred years. Hes interrupted by the entrance of Charlie.
Bella apologizes for disappearing for three days. Charlie says shes grounded for the rest of her life, then leaves. Edward reappears and says that Charlie won't forgive him easily for abandoning Bella earlier. Bella says he won't be able to get rid of her easily once Alice changes her. Edward still rejects that notion.
Back at the Cullens home Bella says "you all know what I want" and requests a vote. Alice says she already thinks of her as a sister and votes yes. Jasper votes yes saying that it will be nice not always wanting to kill her. Rosalie says that being a vampire isnt a life she would have chosen for herself and she wishes someone would have been able to vote no for her. She votes no. Cullen votes hell yeah. Esme votes yes saying that she already thinks of Bella as family. Carlisle approaches. Hes clearly going to vote yes. Edward looks as if hes been betrayed but Carlisle says he wont lose his son.
Edward and Bella drive away. Bella suggests that they wait until after graduation, though she still wishes Edward would change her. They are stopped when they find Jacob in the middle of the road. Edward realizes he has to confront Jacob but wants to thank him first for protecting Bella when he didnt.
Jacob agrees with Edwards point but also wants to stress a key point in the treaty. If any of the Cullens bite a human (and here he's referring to the proposed turning of Bella) the truce is over. Bella says it's her choice. Jacob reminds her that, once shes a vampire he will have to hunt her down; he won't have a choice.
Bella tells Jake that she loves him but begs him not to make her choose because, referring to Edward, it will be him. It's always been him. Edward attempts to get Bella to walk away which angers Jacob. He advances and Edward pushes him back through the air. Jacob turns into a wolf before he hits the ground. They face each other, ready to fight. Bella reminds them that they cant hurt each other without hurting her. Realizing he's in a losing situation Jacob bounds away.
The danger passed Edward and Bella resume their talk of turning her. He asks her to wait. "Give me five years," he asks. "That's too long," she says. "Three," he bargains. She's having none of it. He marvels at her stubbornness.
Then Edward makes a different proposal. "I have one condition," he says, "if you want me to do it myself."
"Marry me, Bella."
She gasps.
ok.. so this is the thing that u have been falling in love with? he hee..aku plok mace nok try tgk twlight! :P
i am dear..mmg in love ..crazy in love with...mung tgk twilight dulu..then aku wi buku twilight ko mung..he's vampire ok!!!
jatuh chenta sama vampire hensem.... hehhehe
not about Edward yang ice cold tu tety..tapi the story tu buat jadik angau!!! huhu..not least the Vampires
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