Entry ni patut saya update afew weeks ago...tapi time tu tahap malas menguasai diri...hihi...
we were planned for a few weeks before for picnic nih...susah nak deal date sbb masing masing busy...every weekend ada je aktiviti...
Since dah lama kitaorang tak hang out together...so we decided to have a pot luck...was planned at house...tp at last end up kat Sentul West...dekat je ngan my rumah...around 7-10 mins.
Everything went well...foods were good...kids having fun...chit chat and everything...yang pasti bergambar...hihi.........
Hope we will hang out again...and till our hair become grey...
i love u guys...

we were planned for a few weeks before for picnic nih...susah nak deal date sbb masing masing busy...every weekend ada je aktiviti...
Since dah lama kitaorang tak hang out together...so we decided to have a pot luck...was planned at house...tp at last end up kat Sentul West...dekat je ngan my rumah...around 7-10 mins.
Everything went well...foods were good...kids having fun...chit chat and everything...yang pasti bergambar...hihi.........
Hope we will hang out again...and till our hair become grey...
i love u guys...

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