blog suka suka. bercerita bila boring. bercerita apa yang perlu dikongsi. kisah hidup yang biasa biasa.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
AC Konsortium
PAKEJ INDIVIDU RM350 (seutas rantai)
LEVEL 4 - 20,736 PAKEJ > PENDAPATAN RM362,880
LEVEL 5 - 248,832 PAKEJ > PENDAPATAN RM4,354,560
Level 1 anda akan menerima RM630 bagi 12pakej.Anda tak perlu risau bagi pakej-pakej tersebut kerana AC Konsortium yang akan tentu kan bukan anda. AC Konsortium yang jual barang bukan anda.Anda hanya perlu tunggu keuntunggan sahaja.Apabila tiba masa dan ketika pihak AC Konsortium akan hubungi anda untuk mengambil cek, itu bermakna level 1 anda telah pun ada..Begitulah seterusnya hingga level 5.

from AC -
come n joint n be my partner as we have already opened our market worldwide,be one of ACK boss n owner by just buying one magnetic pendant as low as rm 350 n will profit u in health n financially!ACK LIVING LARGE!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A few stories will be shared :
*kenduri doa selamat Novee Jahari
*balik kampung
*a great news
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Doa selamat
Doa selamat for Novee and Ashraf new baby diadakan di kediaman dorang yang sangat cantik, so exquisite. With the delicious foods.
So novee sedang menunggu hari for her second baby, i do hope that she will deliver in safely, semoga Allah melindunginya and baby. Amin.
Friday, March 12, 2010
sakit itu dugaan
Pakcik Eda sakarang tengah nazak dan menanggung kanser paru-paru for last stage.
Tapi alhamdulillah..semua ahli keluarganya sentiasa ada bersamanya..memberi semangat n kekuatan untuk terus melawan kesakitan yang ditanggung even doktor telah mengesahkan dia sudah tiada harapa.
Sama2 kite mendoakan agar ayah aid sembuh...dan dilimpahi rahmat Allah...dunia dan akhirat.

ps : semoga Jie and family tabah menghadapi dugaan.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Times when we laugh and tease each other silly. Times when we feel so mad with each other that it’s better to not (read: postpone..hehe) utter any words than to say anything that we’ll regret later.
Times when we feel the other half needs to be more appreciative. Times when the other half shows love, support and help when they’re least expected.
Times when we have to remind and rebuke each other. Times when we have to swallow our own pride and apologise for our mistakes.
As for us, well … it sure has been a blessed five years and we look forward to many more years together.
And, we thank God enough for everything that HE has done and showered upon us and our family.
Ya Allah,
Kau ampunilah segala dosaku
Kau limpahilah aku dengan kesabaran
yang tiada batasan
Kau berikanlah aku kekuatan mental
Kau kurniakanlah aku dengansifat keradhaan
Kau peliharalah ldahku dari segala kata nista
Kau kuatkanlah semangatku menempuhi
segala cabaran Mu
Kau berikanlah aku sifat kasih sesama insan
Ya Allah
Sekiranya suamiku ini adalah pilihanMu di Arsy
Berikan lah aku kekuatan dan keyakinan
utk terus bersamanya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah suami yg akan
membimbing tangan ku di titian Mu
Kurniakanlah aku sifat redha dan kasih atas
segala perbuatannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adlah bidadara utk ku
di Jannah Mu
Limpakanlah aku dgn sifat tunduk dan tawadduk
akan segala perintahNya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah yg terbaik
untukku diduniaMu
Periharalah tingkah lakukuserta kata-kataku
dari menyakiti perasaannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah jodoh yang dirahmati
Berikanlah aku kesabaran utk menghadapi segala
kesusahan dan kekurangannya.
Amin. Ya Rabbi, Allamin.
papa -- terima kasih memberikan saya kebahagiaan, peluang utk terus mengubah diri saya
utk menjadi lebih baik. atas segala kekurangan saya, atas segala kesilapan saya, terima kasih memberikan saya kemaafan. we love matter how it matter how it hards matter how it tough..and no matter what...♥♥♥♥
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
bile apa yang kita idamkan berkecai di tengah jalan.
saya hidup selama 30 tahun, dan saya mencari apa yang saya inginkan dalam kehidupan saya.
dan saya terfikir kenapa kesilapan dan kesalahan yang saya cari sedangkan, manusia yang paling rugi di sepanjang kehidupannya adalah manusia yang tak pernah berubah.
setelah apa yang saya lakukan dan saya lalui..saya menerima apa sahaja yang terjadi dan akan terjadi. sbb saya percaya pada Allah..setiap kesilapan kesalahan yang kita lakukan pasti ada balasan nya nanti.
dan apa yang saya hanya mampu lakukan..mengubah kehidupan saya untuk menjadi lebih baik. bukan untuk orang lain, tapi diri saya sendiri, suami saya, dan anak saya.
terlalu banyak dosa yang saya lakukan sampai ada yang benci dengan saya, putus kawan, dan macam2 lagi..macam mana kehidupan saya jika saya dibenci..mungkin Allah boleh mengampunkan dosa saya, bagaimana orang lain? terampunkan saya..
dan a few hours ago saya received a call-- huh..bila perkahwinan yang kite idamkan untuk sampai ke syurga.akhirnya terputus dipertengahan kehidupan sedangkan anak masih kecil...saya jadi takut..bila apa yang saya ada akan hilang sekelip mata..
saya menangis mengenangkan nasib kawan saya..anaknya yang masih kecil...
ps : entry ni saya pun tak pasti apa yang saya tulis ni..sbb ayat nya berterabur..apa yang pasti saya .....
adib.hazriq.shah ♥♥
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away!

ps : ♥♥♥♥ we love u adib !!
Kesilapan isteri bermula apabila melupakan kebaikan suami kerana benci dengan sikapnya yang tidak menyenangkan hati. Silap menjadi dosa andai keistimewaan suami orang yang sering dibicara. Keburukan suami dijaja, atas alasan minta nasihat rumahtangga. Tapi apa maknanya kalau semua orang bercerita. Rasulullah SAW pernah mengingatkan melalui sabdanya yang bermaksud:
“Wahai kaum wanita, aku lihat kamu ini lebih banyak di neraka ”Seorang wanita lalu bangun bertanya, “Apakah yang menyebabkan yang demikian? Adakah sebab kami ini kufur?” Rasulullah SAW menjawab, “Tidak. Bukan begitu. Tetapi ada dua tabiat kamu yang tidak elok yang boleh menjerumuskan kamu kedalam neraka: 1. Kamu banyak mengutuk atau menyumpah 2. Kamu kufurkan kebaikan suami.”
Ada kalanya, isteri merajuk tanpa sepatah kata. Suami yang tak tahu menahu, terus buat biasa. Muka isteri semakin kelat, hilang serinya. Menahan ego diri, ingin dipujuk dengan kata cinta, namun tidak berbicara dan bersemuka. Suami tertanya-tanya sendiri, akhirnya terasa hati. Salah siapa agaknya, bila masing-masing memendam rasa. Kasih mula bertukar marah. Marah marak menyala benci.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
ps : i just loved this song -- officially video clip tak der.
Ya Allah,jika rezeki kami berada di langit, turunkanlah ia; jika ia ada di bumi, keluarkanlah, dan jika di dlm lautan, munculkanlah. Sekiranya rezeki kami di tempat yg jauh, dekatkanlah ia; jika ia sedikit, bykkanlah ia; dan jika sukar untuk sampai kepada kami, mudahkanlah ia,pindahkanlah rezeki tersebut kepada kami dengan kemuliaan, kebaikanMu, dengan rahmatMu, wahai Yang Maha Pengasihi diantara yg pengasih.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Alice In Wonderland
In this new Alice in Wonderland, Alice Kingsleigh (Mia Wasikowska) is all grown up. She’s 19 years old and headed to a gathering with her mother, Helen (Lindsay Duncan). This being a Disney production, it comes as no surprise to learn Alice’s father, Charles (Marton Csokas), has passed since we first saw him in the opening scene. Alice has been suffering the same nightmare for 13 years of falling down a hole and seeing all kinds of strange creatures from dodo birds to white rabbits.
Alice immediately comes to find out, thanks to Faith (Eleanor Gecks) and Fiona (Eleanor Tomlinson) Chattaway, that the gathering she is at is supposed to be her engagement party. Hamish (Leo Bill) is to ask for her hand. First, however, Alice is back down the rabbit hole and eating and drinking while being shrunken and stretched.
While everything at first seems like more of the same, screenwriter Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, and The Lion King) veers off in a mirrored direction. The rest of the proceedings have an all too familiar ring to them so that while the beat may sound the same, this film marches to a whole new drummer. Where all adaptations prior may have been stuck within the confines of the source material, here Woolverton and Burton are able to break free and play with Wonderland to their own ends.
This of course means that no one is safe. When the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) screams “off with their heads” it very well could happen. Aside from all the characters being aged as well, there’s a duel foretold and if Alice is the correct Alice, she has returned to Wonderland to restore order by defeating the Red Queen’s menacing Jabberwocky (voiced by Christopher Lee).
Sporting a production design that deserves accolades and possible nominations come next Oscar season, everything completely gels. The film has a rather cartoon-come-to-life feel but when your film is a sequel of sorts to both an animated feature film – primarily the 1951 Disney classic – and Carroll’s two books, nothing less would have worked. If you make things too lifelike, you can end up with a living nightmare which is not fitting when trying to reach such a deep-rooted fan base that literally spans generations. Also, it’s nice to see that Burton hasn’t forgotten what these types of movies need the most: heart and soul.
The cast as well as director Burton are having an amazing time working with the great one-liners set up for them by Woolverton. Mia Wasikowska as Alice plays her part greatly and holds a world completely computerized upon her shoulders with verve. Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter is finally never overused by Burton and lets the rest of the characters have a ball.
From Anne Hathaway as the angelic White Queen, good ol’ creepy Crispin Glover as Stayne, Knave of Hearts, Michael Sheen as the White Rabbit, Alan Rickman as the Blue Caterpillar, and finally Stephen Fry used so perfectly in a Hollywood production for the first time since The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, everyone is used to full effect and it all comes together to make this trip to Wonderland one of the best.
The only thing that seems out of place is the same thing that plagued Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory — a lack of songs. While it was far more awkward in that film, just when Alice in Wonderland gets to the point where you’d expect a musical number, the story just keeps whisking along. At least this time there’s enough new material to hold everything together and the pacing moves at a breakneck pace to its finale.
Photo courtesy Walt Disney Pictures
ps : owh! i have to watch this..
The 5 foods you should eat every day
#1 Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.
#2 Nuts
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye vending machine runs!
#3 Onions
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.
#4 Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.
#5 Yogurt
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.
Two Simple Ways to Be a Happier Parent
1. When are you happiest with your kids?
2. What part of the normal day with your family routinely causes suffering?
Then make sure your day is structured so that you get routine, habitual happiness and so that you're eliminating habitual pain.
Carter says that when she asked herself the second question, she realized that she hated getting her two daughters out the door for school. "Every single morning I was yelling at my kids [at] approximately the same time and for the same reason," she says.
So she decided to restructure those mornings so they'd be a shared joy, or at least neutral. The science of changing habits says you have to start off supersmall and build over weeks to a bigger result. So she had the kids put their shoes by the door the night before. In the morning, "I ended up setting a timer," Carter says. "It goes off twice. The first time it goes off, it means clear your dishes and go brush your teeth. The second is walk out the door to the bus." By the next morning, she says, "we didn't have such a bad morning. We had taken the first step."
Just as she changed the family's daily routine to make that one stressful period less miserable, Carter also focused on amplifying the moment that gives her the most joy in parenting. "For me, the most joy always comes at the end of the day when I'm putting the kids to bed" and they're telling me about their three good things [that happened in the day]. That's my most luscious thing, the thing I enjoy the most." To make sure that she didn't miss out on that moment when she had to work in the evenings, "we just moved [that bedtime routine] to after school. They sit on the couch with me and cuddle, and we read a book and they tell me about their three good things."
Carter says that despite her deep knowledge of the science of happiness, she doesn't always do the right thing as a parent. "It's part of the journey, an incremental improvement process. But it's amazing to me how much this stuff works when you have the intention to have a happier morning," she says.
That's my challenge for the week: Make a happy moment with my child part of our routine, and engineer out one annoying bit of parenting. And I challenge you do to the same, too. What will be your happiness moment? What suffering will you avoid?
ps : copy from YAHOO!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
zoo negara

7 Beauty Urban Legends—Fact or Fiction?
1. Myth: I pluck one gray hair, multiple gray hairs will grow back in it's place.
Fiction. This isn't true — which is good because some of us were startin

2. Myth: Cocoa butter will help get rid of stretch marks.
Fiction. There are plenty of creams and lotions that claim to eliminate or at least minimize
stretch marks. While we would love for all of these to work, stretch marks are caused by weight gain or loss, and usually can't be reversed.
3. Myth: Split ends can be reversed.
Fiction. Unfortunately, once split ends happen, the only way to get rid of them is by getting a haircut. The good news is that the right hair products can definitely make them less noticeable. Try a pomade like John Frieda's Frizz-Ease Creme Serum Overnight Repair Formula. Also, try to limit the use of heated tools and appliances (hair dryers, flat irons, etc) for shinier, healthier locks.
4. Myth: Certain cleansers can make your pores smaller.
Fiction. Pore size is genetic, so although there are tons of products out there claiming to shrink the size of your pores, they don't work to minimize pores permanently. What they can do is temporarily make your pores appear smaller. Hey — we'll take what we can get!
5. Myth: Crossing your legs causes varicose veins.
Fiction. There are plenty of ways to potentially develop varicose veins, but none of them are related to crossing your legs (sigh of relief). Some examples of what could causes varicose veins include genetics, obesity, trauma to the skin, etc.
6. Myth: Teeth whiteners can damage tooth enamel.
Fact. Make sure you follow the directions line by line when using teeth whitening products. If these products are used improperly or too frequently, it can result in permanent damage to your teeth.
7. Myth: Sleeping on your back may prevent wrinkles.
Fact. After hearing this, we're never sleeping on our sides again! The American Academy of Dermatology says that sleeping in certain positions may result in "sleep lines." After time, these lines can turn into deep-set wrinkles, so flip over and get your shut-eye on your back.
ps : copy taken from Yahoo!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tip untuk Mendisiplinkan Anak Degil
Tapi 100% nak salahkan dia pun memang tidak sbb mungkin puncanya dari saya sendiri.
Anda mungkin selalu menghadapi situasi ini, anak anda enggan makan malam bersama bila diajak. Dia berdiam diri apabila diminta mengemas barang mainannya. Membuat bising apabila adik tidur dan lari ketika disuruh mandi. Dia degil, tetapi mengapa dia degil? Percaya atau tidak, anak yang berusia tiga tahun ke atas berasa kurang bergantung pada anda. Tanda dia sudah membina identitinya sendiri dan berasa lebih selamat, tetapi itu bukan bermakna dia menjadi pemberontak. Kalau anda ingin tahu, berdegil adalah cara untuknya menunjukkan ketegasannya. Jadi apabila dia menolak untuk bekerjasama dengan anda, dia sebenarnya cuba memberitahu anda, “saya tidak sukakan peraturan mama.” Jadi apa yang boleh anda buat? | ||
Jika anda meminta dia makan dan dia menjerit tidak mahu, paksaan hanya akan membuatkan dia menangis. Cuba letakkan diri anda di tempatnya. Jika dia sibuk bermain, datang kepadanya, dakap dia dan beritahu dia mengapa perlu makan. Ini untuk memberitahunya secara psikologi, anda sebenarnya mengambil berat dan ingin tahu mengapa dia tidak mahu makan. Jangan marah dia tetapi pastikan juga dia makan apa yang sepatutnya.
Apapun yang dia lakukan, pastikan dia tahu semua itu ada hadnya. Beritahu dia, anda menyayanginya dan apa yang anda lakukan untuk kebaikannya. Jika dia ada masalah mematuhinya (selalunya memang begitu) fikirkan cara terbaik menyelesaikan keadaan itu. Contohnya, jika dia tidak mahu tidur dalam gelap, beri dia lampu suluh atau pasangkan lampu yang bercahaya suram.
Selain memberi perhatian kepadanya ketika dia nakal dan degil, cuba dekati dia ketika dia dalam ‘angin baik’. Beritahu dia apa yang betul dan tidak betul. Selalunya apabila anak membuat kesalahan, dia akan rasa bersalah. Jadi jangan cepat mengamuk, sebaliknya cakap secara baik dan beritahu dia mengapa anda marah terhadapnya. | ||
Jika Kita Sendiri Bersikap Buruk Bagaimana Dia Membesar Dengan Mengamalkan Sikap Yang Baik? | ||
Contohnya jika bergaduh suami isteri di hadapan anak dengan suara tinggi dan sepak terajang, bukankah logik anak akan membesar dengan sikap yang sama? Anda tentu malu sendiri kalau dia berkata, mengapa abang tidak boleh cakap menjerit-jerit tetapi mama boleh menjerit-jerit pada ayah? | ||
| ||
Memang semua ini bukan jaminan untuk dia tidak lagi berdegil atau merungut, tetapi dengan kesabaran anda, dia sebenarnya secara perlahan akan belajar bahawa berdegil bukan cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan apa yang dia mahukan. |
1) Bilangan rakaat : 2 hingga 12 rakaat (2 rakaat 1 salam)
2) Waktu : Pagi anggaran 8.00 pagi hingga 11.00 pagi
"Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Dhuha 2 rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala"
Baca ketika sujud yang terakhir - 3 kali
Baca doa ini selesai solat
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya waktu Dhuha itu waktu DhuhaMu, kecantikanny adalah kecantikanMu,
keindahan itu keindahanMu, kekuatan itu kekuatanMu,
kekuasaan itu kekuasaanMu dan perlindungan itu perlindunganMu.
Ya Allah, jika rezekiku masih di langit, turunkanlah, dan jika di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah,
jika sukar, permudahkanlah, jika haram, sucikanlah dan jika jauh, dekatkanlah.
Berkat waktu dhuha, kecantikan. keindahan, kekuatan, kekuasaanMu,
limpahkan kepadaku segala yang Engkau telah limpahkan kepada hamba-hambaMu yang soleh.
ps : entry ni untuk diri sendiri yang selalu sengaja menyasar kan diri kepada keburukan