blog suka suka. bercerita bila boring. bercerita apa yang perlu dikongsi. kisah hidup yang biasa biasa.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Danajamin Family Day
Ishhh...patut enry ni saya tulis last week...owh..almost last two week...sebab kita orang pergi Family Day 16/6/2012.
Yang lambat nak update sebab after that week memang busy gile...even balik kerja pun pukul 10 baru nak sampai umah...pastu kat office lak memang tahap konon busy la..
Okay...DJ (Danajamin) Family Day nih been held kat Sunway Lagoon...haaaaa..memang nasib baik la badan ni kan...sebab baru masuk kerja dah boleh join family korang hadoo?...hehe
Biasa la saya memang tahap jakun since join sini...hehe
Kitaorang harus sampai sana latest by 9.15 tapi kitaorang sampai around 8.30 (jakun la katakan) Adib memang dok menghitung hari la sebab dia dah berzaman la nak ke Sunway Lagoon, even haku pun x pernah masuk SL nih...(x kuasa la nak bayar memahal).
Masa sampai tu siap ada goody bag bagai la kan and we all disediakan air mineral 3 botol sebab kat dalam tu nak beli agak mahal la jugak...and yang best siap ada breakfast...ada nasik lemak puff and sandwiches je...okay la tu kan..tak kan breakfast nak ada nasik minyak bagai...pastu kitaorang semua kena berkumpul kat Harbour Park...kat sini a bit besar la and dekat la ngan side bebudak nak main air....
Ada pertandingan mewarna yang mana anakku kalah...hihi..pastu pertandingan fishy fish..adib dapat towel..and ada la games for adult nih...saya masuk keyyy...tapi yang hampehnya...kalah! No 4...!! Memang hampeh la...
Pastu ada lucky draw...aku dah boleh bajet dah kompem dah ber'lucky' nih..memang x dapat apa pun...
Lepas lucky draw seme kita orang dah boleh buat aktiviti masing masing...
So Adib hari tu mandi sepuas puasnya la...balik rumah dekat pukul 6...sampai haku dah naik hantu...sebab penat...yang peliknya si Adib ni tak reti penat...
Monday, June 25, 2012
Micheal Learns To Rock
This is truly truly unplanned.Tu orang kata kalau dah namanya rezeki...
A few (dua minggu kot) before tu i got jealous ngan my friend sebab dia dapat VIP pass for MLTR neh...siap post kat instagram dia...seme la dok pakat menjerit jeles.
Pastu saya pun google la...sebab tak tau la pasal MLTR nak datang sini kan...rupanya it was open concert, tapi tak gagah la hakuu nak gi tengok dah la jauh...tapi...tapi..
bila di suatu petang saya ditanya nak tak join dia...sebab her hubs busy and x boleh nak join...dengan sepantas kilat haku sms la suami tercinta...dia pun kasik....waaaaaaaaaa.....seronok hamaaattt..
So she fetch me at home....around 6++ then sampai Setia Mall around 7++...terus gi surau for Maghrib.
Then we had dinner (light dinner) first...around 8++ ...(seme la aku letak ++ kan...sebab tak ingat la exactly time) and yang hampehnya...line langsung tak deeeee!! Maybe sebab tempat baru...
Yang tahap kelakarnya kita orang di apit oleh Chinese and opening performanced by Ah Beng (orang cina tau la kot) and cakap pun bahasa dorang la..bila dorang gelak...aku ngan novee saling berpandangan...waaaa...apa la korang gelak nih..
Lupakan Ah Beng..kita cite MLTR bukan nak cite Ah Beng..
They started with Sleeping Child...(rasanya la) aku warmed up la suara...hahahha...
singing and singing...masa lagu 25 minutes tu...bila dia sebut this song about wedding...semua orang menjerit...termasuk la kami berdua..ngeh ngeh ngehwahhh...menyanyi macam kamilah Michealnya..hihi..
Totally i was fun and i enjoyed with my friend so much...and i am thankful so much to his hubs for his busy time...hehehehe..

A few (dua minggu kot) before tu i got jealous ngan my friend sebab dia dapat VIP pass for MLTR neh...siap post kat instagram dia...seme la dok pakat menjerit jeles.
Pastu saya pun google la...sebab tak tau la pasal MLTR nak datang sini kan...rupanya it was open concert, tapi tak gagah la hakuu nak gi tengok dah la jauh...tapi...tapi..
bila di suatu petang saya ditanya nak tak join dia...sebab her hubs busy and x boleh nak join...dengan sepantas kilat haku sms la suami tercinta...dia pun kasik....waaaaaaaaaa.....seronok hamaaattt..
So she fetch me at home....around 6++ then sampai Setia Mall around 7++...terus gi surau for Maghrib.
Then we had dinner (light dinner) first...around 8++ ...(seme la aku letak ++ kan...sebab tak ingat la exactly time) and yang hampehnya...line langsung tak deeeee!! Maybe sebab tempat baru...
Yang tahap kelakarnya kita orang di apit oleh Chinese and opening performanced by Ah Beng (orang cina tau la kot) and cakap pun bahasa dorang la..bila dorang gelak...aku ngan novee saling berpandangan...waaaa...apa la korang gelak nih..
Lupakan Ah Beng..kita cite MLTR bukan nak cite Ah Beng..
They started with Sleeping Child...(rasanya la) aku warmed up la suara...hahahha...
singing and singing...masa lagu 25 minutes tu...bila dia sebut this song about wedding...semua orang menjerit...termasuk la kami berdua..ngeh ngeh ngehwahhh...menyanyi macam kamilah Michealnya..hihi..
Totally i was fun and i enjoyed with my friend so much...and i am thankful so much to his hubs for his busy time...hehehehe..

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Peristiwa Satu Malam
Setiap tahun apabila sampai tanggal 27 Rejab umat Islam diseluruh dunia akan mengadakan majlis sambutan peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj. Israk dan Mikraj berlaku pada 27 Rejab, setahun sebelum Hijrah Rasulullah SAW dari Mekkah ke Madinah.
Apabila berbicara tentang peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj ini, kita secara spontan akan terbayang kisah perjalanan Rasulullah S.A.W bersama malaikat Jibril dan Mikail yang boleh dibahagikan kepada dua fasa.
01.Israk yakni perjalanan Nabi SAW menaiki binatang Buraq dari Masjidil Haram di Mekah ke Masjidil Aqsa, di Baitulmaqdis, Palestin.
02.Mikraj ialah perjalanan dari Masjidil Aqsa ke Sidratil Muntaha di langit yang ketujuh.
Perjalanan Rasulullah S.A.W ini telah diabadikan oleh Allah S.W.T di dalam Al-Quran, Surah Al-Isra' ayat 1 yang bermaksud;
"Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al Masjidilharam ke Al Masjidilaqsa yang telah Kami berkahi sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebagian dari tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat."
Menariknya, keseluruhan perjalanan Rasulullah S.A.W hanya berlangsung pada satu malam.
Para ulama, hadis, ulama feqah dan ulama tafsir secara umum menegaskan bahawa perisitiwa Israk dan Mikraj di mana kedua-duanya berlaku dalam satu malam dan dalam keadaan baginda SAW sedar. Ia berlaku pada jasad atau tubuh dan roh Nabi SAW bukannya roh sahaja. Sebagaimana difahami daripada firman Allah dalam ayat tadi di mana Allah menegaskan "asra bi 'abdihi lailan" yang bermaksud memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada waktu malam. Perkataan hamba yang dimaksudkan di sini iaitu Nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang mana meliputi batang tubuh dan rohnya serentak bukannya rohnya sahaja. Jika ia berlaku pada rohnya sahaja maka sudah tentu firman Allah itu berbunyi "asra bi rohi 'abdihi lailan" yang bermaksud memperjalankan roh hamba-Nya pada waktu malam tetapi yang berlaku sebaliknya di mana Allah secara jelas menyatakan bahawa Dia telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya iaitu Nabi SAW dalam keadaan tubuh dan rohnya serentak.
Peristiwa ini pada pandangan orang yang tidak beriman atau mereka yang tipis imannya, mereka menyatakan bahawa peristiwa ini tidak mungkin akan berlaku atau pun mereka berbelah bahagi samada mahu mempercayainya atau pun sebaliknya. Tetapi bagi orang yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya maka mereka tetap percaya dengan penuh keimanan kepada peristiwa ini.
Setelah baginda S.A.W menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi padanya kepada masyarakat umum maka orang-orang kafir bertambah kuat mengejek dan mendustakan baginda S.A.W. Fitnah terhadap baginda S.A.W bertambah kuat malah ada juga di kalangan mereka yang sebelum ini telah memeluk Islam telah pun murtad kembali. Manakala bagi mereka yang begitu membenarkan baginda S.A.W maka iman mereka tetap utuh sebagaimana kita lihat kepada reaksi Sayyidina Abu Bakar apabila dia mendengar berita daripada orang ramai tentang apa yang telah diberitahu oleh Nabi S.A.W lalu beliau dengan tegas menyatakan :
"Benar! Aku menyaksikan bahawa engkau merupakan Rasulullah. Jika baginda S.A.W mengatakan bahawa baginda telah diperjalankan lebih jauh daripada itu maka aku tetap beriman kepadanya". Inilah ketegasan dan keyakinan yang tidak berbelah bahagi Sayyidina Abu Bakar dalam mempercayai Allah dan rasul-Nya sehingga beliau digelar as-Siddiq yang membawa maksud pembenar.
Selain itu, pernah juga diriwayatkan Rasulullah S.A.W berjumpa dengan pelbagai keadaan manusia ketika di dalam perjalanan tersebut. Meskipun kisah tentang peristiwa bersejarah ini seringkali diulangcerita oleh para penceramah setiap kali sambutan Israk dan Mikraj diadakan, saya melihat roh dan intipati di sebalik peristiwa ini masih tidak meresap ke dalam jiwa masyarakat Islam.
Sahabat yang dimuliakan,
Sebelum berlakunya Israk dan Mikraj Rasulullah S.A.W mengalami pembedahan dada/perut oleh malaikat. Hati Baginda S.A.W dicuci dengan air zamzam, dibuang ketul hitam ('alaqah) iaitu tempat syaitan membisikkan waswasnya. Kemudian dituangkan hikmat, ilmu, dan iman ke dalam dada Rasulullah S.A.W. Setelah itu, dadanya dijahit dan dimeterikan dengan "khatimin nubuwwah". Selesai pembedahan, didatangkan binatang bernama Buraq untuk ditunggangi oleh Rasulullah dalam perjalanan luar biasa yang dinamakan "Israk" itu.
Semasa Israk ( Perjalanan dari Masjidil-Haram ke Masjidil-Aqsa ):
Sepanjang perjalanan (Israk) itu Rasulullah S.A.W diiringi (ditemani) oleh malaikat Jibrail dan Israfil. Tiba di tempat-tempat tertentu (tempat-tempat yang mulia dan bersejarah), Rasulullah telah diarah oleh Jibrail supaya berhenti dan bersembahyang sebanyak dua rakaat. Antara tempat-tempat berkenaan ialah:
01.Negeri Thaibah (Madinah), tempat di mana Rasulullah akan melakukan hijrah,
02.Bukit Tursina, iaitu tempat Nabi Musa A.S. menerima wahyu daripada Allah,
03.Baitul-Laham (tempat Nabi 'Isa A.S. dilahirkan),
Dalam perjalanan itu juga baginda Rasulullah S.A.W menghadapi gangguan jin 'Afrit dengan api jamung dan dapat menyasikan peristiwa-peristiwa simbolik yang amat ajaib.
Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut adalah seperti berikut :
01.Kaum yang sedang bertanam dan terus menuai hasil tanaman mereka. apabila dituai, hasil (buah) yang baru keluar semula seolah-olah belum lagi dituai. Hal ini berlaku berulang-ulang. Rasulullah S.A.W diberitahu oleh Jibrail: Itulah kaum yang berjihad "Fisabilillah" yang digandakan pahala kebajikan sebanyak 700 kali ganda bahkan sehingga gandaan yang lebih banyak.
02.Tempat yang berbau harum.Rasulullah S.A.W diberitahu oleh Jibrail : Itulah bau kubur Masitah (tukang sisir rambut anak Fir'aun) bersama suaminya dan anak-anaknya (termasuk bayi yang dapat bercakap untuk menguatkan iman ibunya) yang dibunuh oleh Fir'aun kerana tetapt teguh beriman kepada Allah (tak mahu mengakui Fir'aun sebagai Tuhan).
03.Sekumpulan orang yang sedang memecahkan kepala mereka. Setiap kali dipecahkan, kepala mereka sembuh kembali, lalu dipecahkan pula. Demikian dilakukan berkali-kali. Jibrail memberitahu Rasulullah: Itulah orang-orang yang berat kepala mereka untuk sujud (sembahyang).
04.Sekumpulan orang yang hanya menutup kemaluan mereka (qubul dan dubur) dengan secebeis kain. Mereka dihalau seperti binatang ternakan. Mereka makan bara api dan batu dari neraka Jahannam. Kata Jibrail : Itulah orang-orang yang tidak mengeluarkan zakat harta mereka.
05.Satu kaum, lelaki dan perempuan, yang memakan daging mentah yang busuk sedangkan daging masak ada di sisi mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah lelaki dan perempuan yang melakukan zina sedangkan lelaki dan perempuan itu masing-masing mempunyai isteri/suami.
06.Lelaki yang berenang dalam sungai darah dan dilontarkan batu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang makan riba.
07.Lelaki yang menghimpun seberkas kayu dan dia tak terdaya memikulnya, tapi ditambah lagi kayu yang lain. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang tak dapat menunaikan amanah tetapi masih menerima amanah yang lain.
08.Satu kaum yang sedang menggunting lidah dan bibir mereka dengan penggunting besi berkali-kali. Setiap kali digunting, lidah dan bibir mereka kembali seperti biasa. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang membuat fitnah dan mengatakan sesuatu yang dia sendiri tidak melakukannya.
09.Kaum yang mencakar muka dan dada mereka dengan kuku tembaga mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang memakan daging manusia (mengumpat) dan menjatuhkan maruah (mencela, menghinakan) orang.
10.Seekor lembu jantan yang besar keluar dari lubang yang sempit. Tak dapat dimasukinya semula lubang itu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang bercakap besar (Takabbur). Kemudian menyesal, tapi sudah terlambat.
11.Seorang perempuan dengan dulang yang penuh dengan pelbagai perhiasan. Rasulullah tidak memperdulikannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah dunia. Jika Rasulullah memberi perhatian kepadanya, nescaya umat Islam akan mengutamakan dunia daripada akhirat.
12.Seorang perempuan tua duduk di tengah jalan dan menyuruh Rasulullah berhenti. Rasulullah S.A.W tidak menghiraukannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang mensia-siakan umurnya sampai ke tua.
13.Seorang perempuan bongkok tiga menahan Rasulullah untuk bertanyakan sesuatu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah gambaran umur dunia yang sangat tua dan menanti saat hari kiamat.
Setibanya di masjid Al-Aqsa, Rasulullah turun daripada Buraq. Kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid dan mengimamkan sembahyang dua rakaat dengan segala anbia dan mursalin menjadi makmum.
Rasulullah S.A.W terasa dahaga, lalu dibawa Jibrail dua bejana yang berisi arak dan susu. Rasulullah S.A.W memilih susu lalu diminumnya. Kata Jibrail: Baginda membuat pilhan yang betul. Jika arak itu dipilih, nescaya ramai umat baginda akan menjadi sesat.
Semasa Mikraj ( Naik ke Hadhratul-Qudus Menemui Allah S.W.T );
Didatangkan Mikraj (tangga) yang indah dari syurga. Rasulullah S.A.W dan Jibrail naik ke atas tangga pertama lalu terangkat ke pintu langit dunia (pintu Hafzhah).
Di Langit Pertama: Rasulullah S.A.W dan Jibrail masuk ke langit pertama, lalu berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam a.s. Kemudian dapat melihat orang-orang yang makan riba dan harta anak yatim dan melihat orang berzina yang rupa dan kelakuan mereka sangat huduh dan buruk. Penzina lelaki bergantung pada susu penzina perempuan.
Di Langit Kedua: Nabi S.A.W dan Jibrail naik tangga langit yang kedua, lalu masuk dan bertemu dengan Nabi Isa A.S. dan Nabi Yahya A.S.
Di Langit Ketiga: Naik langit ketiga. Bertemu dengan Nabi Yusuf A.S.
Di Langit Keempat: Naik tangga langit keempat. Bertemu dengan Nabi Idris A.S.
Di Langit Kelima: Naik tangga langit kelima. Bertemu dengan Nabi Harun A.S. yang dikelilingi oleh kaumnya Bani Israil.
Di Langit Keenam: Naik tangga langit keenam. Bertemu dengan Nabi-Nabi. Seterusnya dengan Nabi Musa A.S. Rasulullah mengangkat kepala (disuruh oleh Jibrail) lalu dapat melihat umat baginda sendiri yang ramai, termasuk 70,000 orang yang masuk syurga tanpa hisab.
Di Langit Ketujuh: Naik tangga langit ketujuh dan masuk langit ketujuh lalu bertemu dengan Nabi Ibrahim Khalilullah yang sedang bersandar di Baitul-Makmur dihadapi oleh beberapa kaumnya. Kepada Rasulullah S.A.W, Nabi Ibrahim A.S. bersabda, "Engkau akan berjumapa dengan Allah pada malam ini. Umatmu adalah akhir umat dan terlalu dhaif, maka berdoalah untuk umatmu.
Suruhlah umatmu menanam tanaman syurga iaitu LA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH Mengikut riwayat lain, Nabi Ibahim A.S. bersabda, "Sampaikan salamku kepada umatmu dan beritahu mereka, syurga itu baik tanahnya, tawar airnya dan tanamannya ialah lima kalimah, iaitu: SUBHANALLAH, WAL-HAMDULILLAH, WA LA ILAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU AKBAR dan WA LA HAULA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAHIL- 'ALIYYIL-'AZHIM. Bagi orang yang membaca setiap kalimah ini akan ditanamkan sepohon pokok dalam syurga".
Setelah melihat beberpa peristiwa lain yang ajaib. Rasulullah dan Jibrail masuk ke dalam Baitul-Makmur dan bersembahyang (Baitul-Makmur ini betul-betul di atas Baitullah di Mekah).
Di Tangga Kelapan: Di sinilah disebut "al-Kursi" yang berbetulan dengan dahan pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S.A.W menyaksikan pelbagai keajaiban pada pokok itu: Sungai air yang tak berubah, sungai susu, sungai arak dan sungai madu lebah. Buah, daun-daun, batang dan dahannya berubah-ubah warna dan bertukar menjadi permata-permata yang indah. Unggas-unggas emas berterbangan. Semua keindahan itu tak terperi oleh manusia. Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W dapat menyaksikan pula sungai Al-Kautsar yang terus masuk ke syurga. Seterusnya baginda masuk ke syurga dan melihat neraka berserta dengan Malik penunggunya.
Di Tangga Kesembilan: Di sini berbetulan dengan pucuk pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S.A.W masuk di dalam nur dan naik ke Mustawa dan Sharirul-Aqlam. Lalu dapat melihat seorang lelaki yang ghaib di dalam nur 'Arasy, iaitu lelaki di dunia yang lidahnya sering basah berzikir, hatinya tertumpu penuh kepada masjid dan tidak memaki ibu bapanya.
Di Tangga Kesepuluh: Baginda Rasulullah sampai di Hadhratul-Qudus dan Hadhrat Rabbul-Arbab lalu dapat menyaksikan Allah SWT dengan mata kepalanya, lantas sujud. Kemudian berlakulah dialog antara Allah dan Muhammad, Rasul-Nya:
Allah SWT : Ya Muhammad.
Rasulullah : Labbaika.
Allah SWT : Angkatlah kepalamu dan bermohonlah, Kami perkenankan.
Rasulullah : Ya, Rabb. Engkau telah ambil Ibrahim sebagai Khalil dan Engkau berikan dia kerajaan yang besar. Engkau berkata-kata dengan Musa. Engkau berikan Dawud kerajaan yang besar dan dapat melembutkan besi. Engkau kurniakan kerajaan kepada Sulaiman yang tidak Engkau kurniakan kepada sesiapa pun dan memudahkan Sulaiman menguasai jin, manusia, syaitan dan angin. Engkau ajarkan Isa Taurat dan Injil. Dengan izin-Mu, dia dapat menyembuhkan orang buta, orang sufaq dan menghidupkan orang mati. Engkau lindungi dia dan ibunya daripada syaitan.
Allah S.W.T : Aku ambilmu sebagai kekasih. Aku perkenankanmu sebagai penyampai berita gembira dan amaran kepada umatmu. Aku buka dadamu dan buangkan dosamu. Aku jadikan umatmu sebaik-baik umat. Aku beri keutamaan dan keistimewaan kepadamu pada hari kiamat. Aku kurniakan tujuh ayat (surah Al-Fatihah) yang tidak aku kurniakan kepada sesiapa sebelummu. Aku berikanmu ayat-ayat di akhir surah al-Baqarah sebagai suatu perbendaharaan di bawah 'Arasy. Aku berikan habuan daripada kelebihan Islam, hijrah, sedekah dan amar makruf dan nahi munkar. Aku kurniakanmu panji-panji Liwa-ul-hamd, maka Adam dan semua yang lainnya di bawah panji-panjimu. Dan Aku fardukan atasmu dan umatmu lima puluh (waktu) sembahyang.
Selesai munajat, Rasulullah S.A.W di bawa menemui Nabi Ibrahim A.S. kemudian Nabi Musa A.S. yang kemudiannya menyuruh Rasulullah S.A.W merayu kepada Allah S.W.T agar diberi keringanan, mengurangkan jumlah waktu sembahyang itu. Selepas sembilan kali merayu, (setiap kali dikurangkan lima waktu), akhirnya Allah perkenan memfardukan sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam dengan mengekalkan nilainya sebanyak 50 waktu juga.
Selepas Mikraj:
Rasulullah S.A.W turun ke langit dunia semula. Seterusnya turun ke Baitul-Maqdis. Lalu menunggang Buraq perjalanan pulang ke Mekah pada malam yang sama. Dalam perjalanan ini baginda bertemu dengan beberapa peristiwa yang kemudiannya menjadi saksi (bukti) peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang amat ajaib itu (Daripada satu riwayat peristiwa itu berlaku pada malam Isnin, 27 Rejab, kira-kira 18 bulan sebelum hijrah). Wallahu'alam.
(Sumber : Kitab Jam'ul-Fawaa'id)
Sahabat yang dikasihi,
Kesimpulannya, Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj bukan hanya sekadar sebuah kisah sejarah yang diceritakan kembali setiap kali 27 Rejab menjelang. Adalah lebih penting untuk kita menghayati pengajaran di sebalik peristiwa tersebut bagi meneladani perkara yang baik dan menjauhi perkara yang tidak baik. Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang memperlihatkan pelbagai kejadian aneh yang penuh pengajaran seharusnya memberi keinsafan kepada kita agar sentiasa mengingati Allah S.W.T dan takut kepada kekuasaan-Nya.
Seandainya peristiwa dalam Israk dan Mikraj ini dipelajari dan dihayati benar-benar kemungkinan manusia mampu mengelakkan dirinya daripada melakukan berbagai-bagai kejahatan. Kejadian Israk dan Mikraj juga adalah untuk menguji umat Islam (apakah percaya atau tidak dengan peristiwa tersebut). Orang-orang kafir di zaman Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam langsung tidak mempercayai, malahan memperolok-olokkan Nabi sebaik-baik Nabi bercerita kepada mereka.
Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj itu merupakan ujian dan mukjizat yang membuktikan kudrat atau kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Allah Subhanahu Wataala telah menunjukkan bukti-bukti kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Nya kepada Baginda Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Dengan kita mendengar dan menghayati kisah dan cerita yang berlaku di dalam peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj kita perlu ambil ikhtibar dan yakin bahawa bumi Baitulmaqdis Palestin yang menjadi tempat bermulanya Mikraj Nabi SAW adalah bumi penuh berkah dan terdapat Masjidil Aqsa (kiblat pertama umat Islam)
Baitulmaqdis dan Masjidil Aqsa adalah harta umat Islam yang telah dirampas oleh Zionis Yahudi laknatullah. Umat Islam perlu berusaha, berkorban dan berdoa semoga tempat suci umat Islam ini dapat dipulangkan kembali kepada pangkuan umat Islam. Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj akan lebih bermakna apabila umat Islam seluruhnya dapat membantu saudara-saudara kita di Palestin dan dapat memulihkan dan menguasai Baitulmaqdis dan menghalau Yahudi laknatullah daripada menguasai dan membunuh saudara-saudara kita di Palestin.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
10 tips to free your child from tuition
Phew! Your kids have already completed their exams and the school term has come to an end! As parents, do you feel that sometimes you are more anxious and worried about the final exams than your children? Many of us feel forced to give our kids extra help in the form of tutors to keep ahead of their other classmates or simply because all our colleagues and friends are doing it too!
Amidst all the rush to secure the most qualified tutors, theAsianparent talks to a working mother who does not believe that tuition is necessary for her children! Not only are Mrs Choo’s five children studying in top local universities, junior colleges and secondary schools, they have always done well academically. She shares with us some of her tips and secrets to her kids’ academic success.
1. Determine if your kids really need tuition, but know when to stop!
There are 2 main reasons why kids may require tuition. The first is known as ‘Foundation Tutoring’, where children are unable to keep up in class. Furthermore, falling behind in class may result in them losing interest in the subject altogether! In this case, tuition is necessary to help your child get back on track. So, find a qualified tutor who will be able to inspire your child to learn to love the subject. Most importantly, the end goal of tuition is to make sure that your child does not need tuition in the future! The second reason is that your child may not be fulfilling their potential and may need extra coaching a few months before a major exam. The goal of the tutor here will be to help your child consolidate their knowledge and answer any questions they may come across when doing practice papers.
2. Be your child’s Learning Coach and find ways to make learning fun
How can learning be fun, you ask? Well, the key here is to improvise and use whatever you can find to make new learning tools for your kids. For example, Mrs Choo made simple flashcards to teach Mandarin words to her children, printed out handy timetable charts for memory on the go, used jigsaw puzzles as a tool to learn spelling and colourful ice-cream sticks to help her younger kids visualize Math problems. The list goes on, so be creative!
3. Subscribe to magazines and television channels
This is Mrs Choo’s sneaky way of getting her youngest child interested in Science without her even knowing it! Mrs Choo subscribed to channels such as National Geographic and magazines like Horrible Science, which is a science magazine full of fun facts and experiments kids can try at home. (Definitely not as “Horrible” as its name suggests!) So by the time her daughter was introduced to Science at Primary Three, she had already cultivated a liking for the subject. She also subscribes to Reader’s Digest and Time for her older children.
4. Take your kids to the library
We know you’ve heard this one before. But the truth is that it works! Besides exposing your kids to reading at a young age, the library can also be a place where you discover your children’s other interests. Perhaps your daughter tends to borrow books on Arts and Crafts or your son somehow seems to gravitate towards the Cooking section? Your child may have interests they’re not telling anyone about, so observing the types of books that attract them may give you a clue!
5. Set aside a fixed study time every night
Discuss this with your children and agree upon a fixed study time, say from 7 to 8.30pm every school day. During this time, all distractions like their gaming consoles and mobile phones should be put away. Mrs Choo saw that the fixed timing idea works well on her younger kids as it provides them with a daily structure, making them more likely to focus as they know they can take a break after study time is over.
6. Plan a revision schedule and set goals before every exam
Probably a month or so before an exam, Mrs Choo sits down with her kids to list out the topics tested in the exam, fit the exam dates onto their calendar and draw up a revision schedule. Another important thing is to set goals for the coming exam. Now, remember to be realistic here! Look at your child’s current grades and encourage him to aim to improve by one grade.
7. Don’t bribe your kids to do well
“If you do well in the exam, Mummy will buy you that new toy you wanted.” Sound familiar? Many of us know that threats only serve to stress kids out so we resort to promises of rewards in order to “motivate” our children before an exam. But did you know that this is doesn’t work well too? We’ve heard stories of kids not being able to focus in the exam because their parents promised them a holiday to Switzerland and they were too worried that they would not do well enough to go!
8. Get your older kids to coach the younger ones
With five children to raise, Mrs Choo knew that she could not afford tuition for all her kids. So she got her older children who were able to handle their work independently, to teach their younger siblings. This reinforced their knowledge and her younger kids found learning more enjoyable. But only do this if your older children are done with their own work, you wouldn’t want to cause them unnecessary stress!
9. Stay away from ‘kiasu’ parents!
Okay, we’ve all been guilty of comparing our kids to our relatives’ and colleagues’ children. Whose child goes to better schools, has better grades and has the most expensive tuition fees… there’s just no end to it! Instead of getting stressed up by these ‘kiasu’ parents, talk to your child’s teacher or someone whom you feel has been coaching his or her kids well.
10. Have fun!
Learning opportunities are everywhere so don’t just restrict your kids to their study room at home! Check out our list of educational places in Singapore you can bring your kids to have some fun!
i copied from and pasted here! *wink*
Amidst all the rush to secure the most qualified tutors, theAsianparent talks to a working mother who does not believe that tuition is necessary for her children! Not only are Mrs Choo’s five children studying in top local universities, junior colleges and secondary schools, they have always done well academically. She shares with us some of her tips and secrets to her kids’ academic success.
1. Determine if your kids really need tuition, but know when to stop!
There are 2 main reasons why kids may require tuition. The first is known as ‘Foundation Tutoring’, where children are unable to keep up in class. Furthermore, falling behind in class may result in them losing interest in the subject altogether! In this case, tuition is necessary to help your child get back on track. So, find a qualified tutor who will be able to inspire your child to learn to love the subject. Most importantly, the end goal of tuition is to make sure that your child does not need tuition in the future! The second reason is that your child may not be fulfilling their potential and may need extra coaching a few months before a major exam. The goal of the tutor here will be to help your child consolidate their knowledge and answer any questions they may come across when doing practice papers.
2. Be your child’s Learning Coach and find ways to make learning fun
How can learning be fun, you ask? Well, the key here is to improvise and use whatever you can find to make new learning tools for your kids. For example, Mrs Choo made simple flashcards to teach Mandarin words to her children, printed out handy timetable charts for memory on the go, used jigsaw puzzles as a tool to learn spelling and colourful ice-cream sticks to help her younger kids visualize Math problems. The list goes on, so be creative!
3. Subscribe to magazines and television channels
This is Mrs Choo’s sneaky way of getting her youngest child interested in Science without her even knowing it! Mrs Choo subscribed to channels such as National Geographic and magazines like Horrible Science, which is a science magazine full of fun facts and experiments kids can try at home. (Definitely not as “Horrible” as its name suggests!) So by the time her daughter was introduced to Science at Primary Three, she had already cultivated a liking for the subject. She also subscribes to Reader’s Digest and Time for her older children.
4. Take your kids to the library
We know you’ve heard this one before. But the truth is that it works! Besides exposing your kids to reading at a young age, the library can also be a place where you discover your children’s other interests. Perhaps your daughter tends to borrow books on Arts and Crafts or your son somehow seems to gravitate towards the Cooking section? Your child may have interests they’re not telling anyone about, so observing the types of books that attract them may give you a clue!
5. Set aside a fixed study time every night
Discuss this with your children and agree upon a fixed study time, say from 7 to 8.30pm every school day. During this time, all distractions like their gaming consoles and mobile phones should be put away. Mrs Choo saw that the fixed timing idea works well on her younger kids as it provides them with a daily structure, making them more likely to focus as they know they can take a break after study time is over.
6. Plan a revision schedule and set goals before every exam
Probably a month or so before an exam, Mrs Choo sits down with her kids to list out the topics tested in the exam, fit the exam dates onto their calendar and draw up a revision schedule. Another important thing is to set goals for the coming exam. Now, remember to be realistic here! Look at your child’s current grades and encourage him to aim to improve by one grade.
7. Don’t bribe your kids to do well
“If you do well in the exam, Mummy will buy you that new toy you wanted.” Sound familiar? Many of us know that threats only serve to stress kids out so we resort to promises of rewards in order to “motivate” our children before an exam. But did you know that this is doesn’t work well too? We’ve heard stories of kids not being able to focus in the exam because their parents promised them a holiday to Switzerland and they were too worried that they would not do well enough to go!
8. Get your older kids to coach the younger ones
With five children to raise, Mrs Choo knew that she could not afford tuition for all her kids. So she got her older children who were able to handle their work independently, to teach their younger siblings. This reinforced their knowledge and her younger kids found learning more enjoyable. But only do this if your older children are done with their own work, you wouldn’t want to cause them unnecessary stress!
9. Stay away from ‘kiasu’ parents!
Okay, we’ve all been guilty of comparing our kids to our relatives’ and colleagues’ children. Whose child goes to better schools, has better grades and has the most expensive tuition fees… there’s just no end to it! Instead of getting stressed up by these ‘kiasu’ parents, talk to your child’s teacher or someone whom you feel has been coaching his or her kids well.
10. Have fun!
Learning opportunities are everywhere so don’t just restrict your kids to their study room at home! Check out our list of educational places in Singapore you can bring your kids to have some fun!
i copied from and pasted here! *wink*
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Semalam, with the unplanned planning, kitaorang pergi tengok wayang....haaaaaa ko...tak pasal pasal la pulak kan...dari dok bising banyak kerja kat umah tup tup tengok wayang...
Kononnya gi Wangsa Walk nak cari seluar...seluar entah ke mana...Madagascar pulak jadinya. Kebetulan masa tu pukul time ada pukul 12.20 and 12.50...and ada lagi la time time yang lain...pastu kitaorang beli tix pukul sempat nak jalan jalan jap dalam tu...(even menda sama je), pastu kol 12.30 tu kita orang ready beli segala mak nika makanan...
And showtimeeeee...Adib memang excited gila lah...mummy pun..sbb memang suka gila ngan si Marty tu...dari first lagi...
Mengisahkan (ceewah) ....(saya copy je) Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe are still fighting to get home to their beloved Big Apple and of course, King Julien, Maurice and the Penguins are all along for the comedic adventure. Their journey takes them through Europe where they find the perfect cover: a traveling circus, which they reinvent - Madagascar style.
mission asal nak cari penguins and King Julien
ni masa sampai kat Monte Carlo
pempuan ni so crazy okay...dia pemburu haiwan yang saiko!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Rasanya semua footballers fan dah tak senang duduk sebab nak tengok EURO kan?
Well for this EURO 2012 it will be hosted at Poland - Ukraine and will start with Poland...
Poland is quite good in football with Robert Lewandowski in Poland team.
And i must say...after Zidane i dont have my favorite team. But guess for this time i die for Spain. owh...but France has a Man U team Patrick Evra....and hot property for Karim Benzema...i die for France la...hahahha
Well for this EURO 2012 it will be hosted at Poland - Ukraine and will start with Poland...
Poland is quite good in football with Robert Lewandowski in Poland team.
And i must say...after Zidane i dont have my favorite team. But guess for this time i die for Spain. owh...but France has a Man U team Patrick Evra....and hot property for Karim Benzema...i die for France la...hahahha
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Century's last transit of Venus to occur today
WASHINGTON - The past several weeks have been glorious for sky watchers as we have had a Supermoon, an annular solar eclipse and to top it all off, a partial lunar eclipse Monday morning and the historic Venus transit of the Sun on Tuesday.
June's Full Moon is called the Strawberry Full Moon as this is prime picking time for strawberries. The Full Moon will be eclipsed 38 percent at maximum eclipse and will cover the southern portion of the Moon. This lunar eclipse follows two weeks after the annular eclipse of the Sun which occurred at New Moon.
The partial lunar eclipse is not going to be much for us to see in the WTOP listening area, as the Earth's shadow begins to cover the Strawberry Full Moon after the Moon has set for us. But it may be worth taking a peek Monday morning at 5:30 in the West to see if any subtle shading from the Earth's outer shadow, or penumbra, is visible.
Read more about the partial eclipse of the moon here and here.
The big event in the astronomical world occurs Tuesday/Wednesday as the second planet from the Sun, Venus, crosses (transits) the face of the Sun as seen from Earth and for the first time ever, witnessed by humans from space.
Venus last transited the Sun in 2004 and will not do so again until 2117, so it is literally a once-in-a-lifetime event.
In checking the weather forecast for the D.C. area it will probably be cloudy 6:04 p.m. Tuesday when Venus aligns with the Sun's limb. The transit will be visible in the D.C. metro region for the next two and half hours until the Sun sets at 8:30 p.m. Do not look directly at the Sun as you will suffer eye damage. Only use an approved and safe solar filter to view the Sun.
For a complete breakdown of the transit follow this link.
The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) will have telescopes available for viewing this event if the weather permits.
Regardless of the weather in the D.C. area there are a number of Internet broadcasts that will be carrying the transit live:
For background on the planet Venus check out this link and for the historical perspective of Venus transits follow this link.
Venus crossing the Sun will be witnessed by humans in space for the very first time in history as the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) will have a view from low Earth orbit.
The Solar Dynamics Observatory will also be witness to the transit.
Finally, the transit of Venus is making history in that the Internet Age will bring the astronomical event to the desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet of billions of users worldwide. This technology was not available during the 2004 transit. There is a VenusTransit Phone app available for download.
So be a part of history and tune in to watch the "Goddess of Beauty and Love" make her final crossing of the Sun for the next 105 years.
June's Full Moon is called the Strawberry Full Moon as this is prime picking time for strawberries. The Full Moon will be eclipsed 38 percent at maximum eclipse and will cover the southern portion of the Moon. This lunar eclipse follows two weeks after the annular eclipse of the Sun which occurred at New Moon.
The partial lunar eclipse is not going to be much for us to see in the WTOP listening area, as the Earth's shadow begins to cover the Strawberry Full Moon after the Moon has set for us. But it may be worth taking a peek Monday morning at 5:30 in the West to see if any subtle shading from the Earth's outer shadow, or penumbra, is visible.
Read more about the partial eclipse of the moon here and here.
The big event in the astronomical world occurs Tuesday/Wednesday as the second planet from the Sun, Venus, crosses (transits) the face of the Sun as seen from Earth and for the first time ever, witnessed by humans from space.
Venus last transited the Sun in 2004 and will not do so again until 2117, so it is literally a once-in-a-lifetime event.
In checking the weather forecast for the D.C. area it will probably be cloudy 6:04 p.m. Tuesday when Venus aligns with the Sun's limb. The transit will be visible in the D.C. metro region for the next two and half hours until the Sun sets at 8:30 p.m. Do not look directly at the Sun as you will suffer eye damage. Only use an approved and safe solar filter to view the Sun.
For a complete breakdown of the transit follow this link.
The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) will have telescopes available for viewing this event if the weather permits.
Regardless of the weather in the D.C. area there are a number of Internet broadcasts that will be carrying the transit live:
For background on the planet Venus check out this link and for the historical perspective of Venus transits follow this link.
Venus crossing the Sun will be witnessed by humans in space for the very first time in history as the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) will have a view from low Earth orbit.
The Solar Dynamics Observatory will also be witness to the transit.
Finally, the transit of Venus is making history in that the Internet Age will bring the astronomical event to the desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet of billions of users worldwide. This technology was not available during the 2004 transit. There is a VenusTransit Phone app available for download.
So be a part of history and tune in to watch the "Goddess of Beauty and Love" make her final crossing of the Sun for the next 105 years.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Unupdate Story (Novee's angels birthday party)
It was a few back months story...tapi masa tu malas tahap gaban nak update blog bagai..
Back to story...i has been booked by Novee for a few months before the party...yes...cause she knows that i like the most about party and deco thingy...well, i took one day leave to settle a few things before the was one day before party. My hubs hantar ke rumah Novee around 10.30...then we moved to Melawati sebab nak beli a few things yang tak cukup. So berkampung sehari di rumah Novee ...hehe..
And the day had come...
Well, the day was great, party was great, food was great...friends always great...
Novee did a great job.
So i let pictures speak!

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Pernasian |
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i love this the most! |
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Foods |
Monday, June 4, 2012
You Value It
As we grow up,
we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will.
You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts.
You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them,
and you'll cry because time is flying by.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt.
Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances.
You just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts.
Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
just saying,
me crappy,
me speak,
I learned SO much. And I just have to share it with everyone.
Time is Life. How we make use of our life will depend on the length of lifetime on earth that God gives to each of us (ie. we can’t choose to live life longer than what’s been given to us).
When we’ve been given an extra year, what do we do with our life? What do we do with the extra time given?
We ourselves decide on how we live our lives and every single thing that we do in life will one day be judged by God. We will be held accountable and responsible for the way we live our own life.
Time is a Record. What we do during our lifetime is recorded and people DO get to know about our life, even if we no longer live.
Time is an Opportunity. We often don’t realise the importance of opportunity and time. We often put in more time and effort for something that’s of less importance and neglect things / aspects in life that actually have greater value.
Sometimes we hear people say, ‘Ah … if only I learned about it a few years ago’. Or, ‘How I wish I did it earlier…’
We often waste our time and opportunity presented to us, only to realise the importance of it later, when it’s already too late.
In order to see how dirty our face is (so that we can clean it), we need a reflective object, eg. a mirror. And this is the only way to see ourselves. Someone can tell us how dirty our face is, but we cannot see our own face unless we see our reflection in the mirror.
And it’s the same with our life. We need an ‘object’ so that we can ’self-reflect’ and ‘clean up’.
Time is Life. How we make use of our life will depend on the length of lifetime on earth that God gives to each of us (ie. we can’t choose to live life longer than what’s been given to us).
When we’ve been given an extra year, what do we do with our life? What do we do with the extra time given?
We ourselves decide on how we live our lives and every single thing that we do in life will one day be judged by God. We will be held accountable and responsible for the way we live our own life.
Time is a Record. What we do during our lifetime is recorded and people DO get to know about our life, even if we no longer live.
Time is an Opportunity. We often don’t realise the importance of opportunity and time. We often put in more time and effort for something that’s of less importance and neglect things / aspects in life that actually have greater value.
Sometimes we hear people say, ‘Ah … if only I learned about it a few years ago’. Or, ‘How I wish I did it earlier…’
We often waste our time and opportunity presented to us, only to realise the importance of it later, when it’s already too late.
In order to see how dirty our face is (so that we can clean it), we need a reflective object, eg. a mirror. And this is the only way to see ourselves. Someone can tell us how dirty our face is, but we cannot see our own face unless we see our reflection in the mirror.
And it’s the same with our life. We need an ‘object’ so that we can ’self-reflect’ and ‘clean up’.
God’s Word in the Bible is like a mirror. It lets us see our imperfections, our faults, our sins, and all aspects in our life that need changing and improving. It is only after we know more about ourselves that we know what to clean up and change.
How to Raise Well-Behaved Kids
It is easy to think that kids are born for just one reason – to torment their parents – especially when they start screaming and kicking over something as petty as brushing their teeth or drinking their milk. It seems like all they want to do is to make their parents miserable by behaving badly. But the truth is, your little ones are very eager to please you – it’s just not so obvious most of the time. The best way to bring out that “angelic-ness” in your kids is to bring about some radical change in the way you relate with them.
Focus on them as a whole person not just as the doer of the wrong actions. When your kids misbehave, don’t dwell on the bad things. After confronting them about the wrong things that they have done, immediately think of ways on how inappropriate behaviour can be prevented. Ask for their suggestions and tell them that they have your support. Also, try to find ways on how you can improve your relationship with them. Use your energy for thinking positive thoughts about your children and spending bonding moments with them.
Give them room to grow. Training your child to practice appropriate behaviour can be more tasking than doing things for them. But if you want them to grow, then you have to learn to let go of the reins a bit – just a bit – and allow them to make their own choices. Your kids are not robots which means that they have the capacity to make decisions for themselves.
Just remember that the freedom that you give them should be appropriate for their age. For example, when they’re still young, you cannot ask them to decide on whether they want to attend school or not because they’ll definitely say “no”. But you can let them choose the colour of the clothes that they want to wear or the spread that they want to put on their sandwich. The things that you ask them to decide on may seem very simple and unimportant but doing this can help them grasp the significance of making choices. This will help them understand that choices always come with either rewards or consequences allowing them to be more careful when making decisions.
Also, keep in mind that you shouldn’t reverse the process as some parents do. Keep a tight rein on your kids when they’re younger but slowly release the controls as they grow older, not the other way around.
Remember that they have feelings just like you. Busy parents can sometimes be very selfish as they expect everyone, especially their kids, to adjust to their schedule as well as their moods. You have to admit that when you’re in a rush, you want everyone jump at your commands and do everything you say. But it’s important to see things from your children’s perspective. For example, when you wake up your child in the morning, he or she may still be very sleepy causing him or her to delay.
When you look into how your children feel about your expectations, you understand where they’re coming from when they don’t react the way you expect them to. Instead of snapping or shouting at them, acknowledge their feelings and explain why you want them to do a certain thing. Make things easy by giving them choices.
Promote cooperation not resistance. A mother tells her kids to do something but instead of obeying her right away, they grumble and say “no”. They kick, scream, cry and roll over the floor. Because this mother can’t accept this kind of behaviour, she finds herself competing with her kids. She shouts at them and drags them to make sure that they understand that she’s the boss. Is this scene familiar? Every home must’ve had its own fair share of drama.
Going on a power struggle is not a good way to handle misbehaviour. It only causes parents to become angry and kids to become rebellious. Because it’s a struggle, nobody wants to give in. Kids want to win over their parents while moms and dads want to show their kids that they’re in control.
The key is to develop self-control. Although it’s very tempting to vent out your frustration, remember that your children will emulate everything that they see you do. So if you let go of your composure, they will immediately think that it’s alright for them to go out of control as well.
Allow them to talk about what they think of your rules and expectations but try not to be judgmental. Just help them to put some words into what they’re feeling then tell them the reason why you want them to do these things. Make it clear to them that they have your support. Help them understand that you are on their side, not against them.
Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Don’t expect your kids to remember all the rules in your home. Constantly remind them about how you want them to behave. But the key here is consistency within the whole family. For example, if mom says “no eating in front of the television” but dad says “it’s okay”, then kids will be confused and will end up eating wherever they want. This can cause a lot of frustration on the part of the parents and kids. So it’s important that the adults in a family agree on all the rules to provide consistency.
Focus on them as a whole person not just as the doer of the wrong actions. When your kids misbehave, don’t dwell on the bad things. After confronting them about the wrong things that they have done, immediately think of ways on how inappropriate behaviour can be prevented. Ask for their suggestions and tell them that they have your support. Also, try to find ways on how you can improve your relationship with them. Use your energy for thinking positive thoughts about your children and spending bonding moments with them.
Give them room to grow. Training your child to practice appropriate behaviour can be more tasking than doing things for them. But if you want them to grow, then you have to learn to let go of the reins a bit – just a bit – and allow them to make their own choices. Your kids are not robots which means that they have the capacity to make decisions for themselves.
Just remember that the freedom that you give them should be appropriate for their age. For example, when they’re still young, you cannot ask them to decide on whether they want to attend school or not because they’ll definitely say “no”. But you can let them choose the colour of the clothes that they want to wear or the spread that they want to put on their sandwich. The things that you ask them to decide on may seem very simple and unimportant but doing this can help them grasp the significance of making choices. This will help them understand that choices always come with either rewards or consequences allowing them to be more careful when making decisions.
Also, keep in mind that you shouldn’t reverse the process as some parents do. Keep a tight rein on your kids when they’re younger but slowly release the controls as they grow older, not the other way around.
Remember that they have feelings just like you. Busy parents can sometimes be very selfish as they expect everyone, especially their kids, to adjust to their schedule as well as their moods. You have to admit that when you’re in a rush, you want everyone jump at your commands and do everything you say. But it’s important to see things from your children’s perspective. For example, when you wake up your child in the morning, he or she may still be very sleepy causing him or her to delay.
When you look into how your children feel about your expectations, you understand where they’re coming from when they don’t react the way you expect them to. Instead of snapping or shouting at them, acknowledge their feelings and explain why you want them to do a certain thing. Make things easy by giving them choices.
Promote cooperation not resistance. A mother tells her kids to do something but instead of obeying her right away, they grumble and say “no”. They kick, scream, cry and roll over the floor. Because this mother can’t accept this kind of behaviour, she finds herself competing with her kids. She shouts at them and drags them to make sure that they understand that she’s the boss. Is this scene familiar? Every home must’ve had its own fair share of drama.
Going on a power struggle is not a good way to handle misbehaviour. It only causes parents to become angry and kids to become rebellious. Because it’s a struggle, nobody wants to give in. Kids want to win over their parents while moms and dads want to show their kids that they’re in control.
The key is to develop self-control. Although it’s very tempting to vent out your frustration, remember that your children will emulate everything that they see you do. So if you let go of your composure, they will immediately think that it’s alright for them to go out of control as well.
Allow them to talk about what they think of your rules and expectations but try not to be judgmental. Just help them to put some words into what they’re feeling then tell them the reason why you want them to do these things. Make it clear to them that they have your support. Help them understand that you are on their side, not against them.
Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Don’t expect your kids to remember all the rules in your home. Constantly remind them about how you want them to behave. But the key here is consistency within the whole family. For example, if mom says “no eating in front of the television” but dad says “it’s okay”, then kids will be confused and will end up eating wherever they want. This can cause a lot of frustration on the part of the parents and kids. So it’s important that the adults in a family agree on all the rules to provide consistency.
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